Lessons #45 and 46




+ 1. It is best to use this note after you have listened to the lessons because there are       +

+ comments given in the actual exposition not in the note.                                                 +

+ 2. The Bible abbreviations are as follows: CEV =Contemporary English version,         +

+ CEB = Common English Bible, ESV= English Standard Version,                                  +

+ GWT = God’s Word Translation, ISV = International Standard Version,                         +

+ NAB=New English Bible, NASB= New American Standard Bible,                               +

+ NEB= New English Bible, NET = New English Translation,                                           +

+ NLT = New Living Translations NJB = New Jerusalem Bible,                                        +

+ NJV = New Jewish Bible, TEV = Today’s English Version.                                           +

+ 3. Notes have not been edited for grammatical errors.                                                      +


Being exemplary in everything (Titus 2:7-8)


7 In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness 8 and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.


This passage is the second content of instructions Titus was to deliver to believers. There is a sense that we can consider these two verses as parenthetical in that the passage is a digression since it does not directly specify a group that is to be instructed. You see, the first six verses of chapter 2 deal with the conduct of believers of various age group while verses 9 and 10 are concerned with the conduct of slaves but verses 7 and 8 are concerned with instruction to Titus. Thus, in terms of the flow of the instruction about conduct that Titus is required to pass on to believers, there is a break. It is for this reason that we contend that the two verses before us could be considered parenthetical. Nonetheless, we can consider the two verses as not being parenthetical if we consider them as being concerned with a second group of believers in Crete, the teaching elders or pastors. In other words, we are saying that the way not to consider the two verses as digression or parenthetical is if we consider the instruction given in our passage as directed to pastors or teaching elders but that Titus who is addressed is a representative of all pastors or teaching elders of a local congregation. 

      As far as the passage goes, it contains a message that is directed to Titus who is a representative of all pastors. This message is that Titus should be exemplary in every way, paying attention to good works and teaching that should be done in such a way as to disarm the opponents. Since as we have indicated, Titus is a representative of all pastors or teaching elders of a local congregation then we should state that all pastors or teaching elders of a local congregation of believers should live exemplary lives in every way, paying attention to the areas of good works, teaching of the word of God so that they serve not only as examples to their flock but so that those who criticize them would be put to shame because they would be hard pressed to find something bad to speak about them. It is possible that as we examine this message that is directed to pastors that some of us may take the attitude that the passage is addressed to pastors and so have nothing to do with us, resulting in not paying close attention to the instructions of this passage. This would be a wrong approach to the instruction of the word of God. No believer should ever exempt himself/herself when there is teaching of the word of God because the subject matter does not concern the individual. It is possible that the subject matter may not directly apply to you but that does not mean you should not pay close attention to learn what the subject is about. A good example of what I am saying is that of the attitude of older men and women when a teaching involves sexual immorality. Those who are really old assume that such topic is of no concern to them since they are in such a state in their life where sex is of no concern for them one way or the other. But such an attitude forgets that believers are to be ambassadors of Christ, implying passing on the message from Christ to others. This being the case, the older individuals could learn the word of God in the area of sexual immorality to use to help others especially their grandchildren or other young people that may be prone to sexual sin. The message we are concerned that is directed to pastors is another example. You may say that it does not concern you because you are not a pastor. But you will be wrong. We say this because unless you pay attention and learn what is given in the passage then you will not be able to know what is expected of your pastor or teaching elder. Consequently, you will not be able to evaluate whether you have a pastor who functions according to God’s word. Hence, it is important that you pay attention to know what is required of pastors or teaching elders of a local congregation of believers. That aside, to ensure you understand that the message of this passage is also directed to you, we will recast it in a way that it implies it is a message for all believers. The message of this passage that is applicable to all believers is this: Believers should be exemplary in every way, paying attention to good works, doctrines of the word of God and applying them correctly in order to shame our critics. We will expound this passage with this message in mind but before we begin our exposition of the requirements of this message, we need to deal with a small matter that concerns the beginning of verse 7.

      Verse 7 begins with the phrase In everything or more literally with regard to all (things).  There is the question as to whether this phrase belongs to this verse or to the previous verse, that is, verse 6 so that the ending part of verse 6 should read be self-controlled in everything. It is possible to consider this phrase as part of verse 6 since it makes sense. However, doing this makes for an abrupt change from the instruction given to the various age groups in the local churches in Crete to that given to Titus and so all pastors. It makes for a smoother transition to another instruction of the apostle to Titus to take the phrase as part of verse 7. Therefore, we believe that the apostle meant for the phrase to be read as part of verse 7. This being the case the word everything or literally all things touch on every matter of this life since for the believer his/her faith is to affect everything he does on this planet although some translators such as the NET take the phrase in everything as limiting good works. That notwithstanding, it seems that the phrase is intended to concern everything Titus does and by implication everything all pastors and believers do. There is no distinction between secular and sacred. Everything a believer does should be informed by his/her faith in that what he does is governed by his/her understanding of his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and by God’s word. So, there is no way to be exhaustive about what the phrase refers. Consequently, the apostle listed specific examples of what he had in mind in two areas, as we will consider shortly. In effect, the word everything in the NIV is to be understood as a reference to both the function of Titus as the apostle’s representative and his conduct as this will cover all the affairs of his life. In application, the phrase in everything should be understood to cover everything you do as a believer and your conduct in life.

      Be that as it may, once the apostle indicated that he was concerned with all affairs of this life in what follow in verse 7, he gives an instruction that to me is one of the frightening things about being a pastor or a teacher of the word of God. Many Christians think that it is an easy life being a pastor or a teacher of the word of God. This is further from the truth. I suppose that the misconception comes from not understanding what the apostle says in the verse that we are about to consider. Furthermore, pastors or teachers of the word of God for the most part do not understand or think seriously what the Holy Spirit states in the verse we are considering. There are some young people who want to be pastors or teachers of the word of God, especially where pastors have given the impression that being a pastor is glamorous. Again, this is further from the truth. True, pastors or teachers of the word of God are those who are looked upon by others because they are the most visible members of the local congregation as they attempt to carry out their function with respect to the local church. Thus, some create the impression that it is glamorous to be a pastor. But my friends, it is not. One of my greatest fears as a pastor has to do with the verse we are about to consider, because of the enormous challenge it presents to me. A pastor is held in a higher standard of accountable by the Lord because he is supposed to hold forth the truth to others. It is probably because of the accountability level that pastors have that is one of the reasons the Holy Spirit through James cautions about desiring to be a teacher of God’s word, as stated in James 3:1:

Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.


Those who serve as pastors or those who teach the word of God are to be judged more strictly in part because of the privilege given to them of receiving special enlightenment of the Spirit that enables them to learn the truth as they study the word of God. This privilege puts them in a position that they are to influence others through their teaching, but it is not only their teaching that should affect others so should their lifestyle.

      The instruction of the Holy Spirit through Apostle Paul to Titus as a representative of all pastors is given in the expression of Titus 2:7 set them an example or literally from the Greek showing yourself example. This is because the expression “set” of the NIV is translated from a Greek word (parechō) that may mean “to offer, present” as it is used in the instruction of the Lord stated in Luke 6:29:

If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.


The expression turn to him the other also is more literally offer the other also. The word may mean “to make happen, to cause.” Thus, it is the word that Apostle Paul used in conveying to the Galatians that no one should bring trouble to him in Galatians 6:17:

Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.


The meaning “to cause” in the sense of giving rise to speculations is used by the apostle to instruct against being involved in debates that are not based on the word of God but on human opinions in 1 Timothy 1:4:

nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God’s work—which is by faith.


The sentence These promote controversies is literally that cause questions. The word may mean “to grant, to show”, as it is used by the apostle to convey God’s provisions He grants to believers for their enjoyment so that our Greek word is translated “provides” in 1 Timothy 6:17:

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.


When our Greek word is used in what is known as middle voice in the Greek, as in our passage of Titus 2:7, the meaning is “to show oneself to be something.” The apostle used a present participle that here has the force of a command. This being the case, the apostle instructs Titus and so all pastors or teachers of God’s word to ensure that they form the habit of showing themselves as examples to others. In effect, they are not to show themselves as examples once or twice but repeatedly so that it is a habit they form.

      The word “example” that is required of Titus and so all pastors is translated from a Greek word (typos) that is used in different ways. Technically, the word may mean “design, pattern” of something that is to be reproduced as the instruction given to Moses regarding the construction of the Tabernacle, as we read in Acts 7:44:

“Our forefathers had the tabernacle of the Testimony with them in the desert. It had been made as God directed Moses, according to the pattern he had seen.


The word may mean “archetype”, that is, a model in form of a person or thing which anticipates or precedes a future realization usually given by God. Thus, Adam was regarded as an archetype for Jesus Christ in Romans 5:14:

Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who was a pattern of the one to come.


The clause Adam, who was a pattern of the one to come of the NIV may alternatively be translated Adam, who is a type of the one who is to come. The word may mean “model” in moral life hence means “example, pattern, model”. It is with the meaning of “pattern” of conduct that Apostle Paul used it in Philippians 3:17:

Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you.


It appears that our Greek word is used twice in this passage of Philippians because of the words “example” and “pattern” but that is not the case. Here our Greek word is translated “pattern” since the instruction Join with others in following my example is more literally become fellow-imitators of me. The translators of the NIV used the meaning “model” to translate our Greek word in some passages. They used it firstly when the apostle speaks of the lifestyle of the whole Christian community in Thessalonica in 1 Thessalonians 1:7:

And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia.


Secondly, they used the meaning “model” when the apostle informs the Thessalonians he and his apostolic team have given example of hard work the Thessalonians should follow, as stated in 2 Thessalonians 3:9:

We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow.


It is in the sense of model in moral life that the word is used in our passage. Thus, Titus and all pastors or teachers of God’s word are to be examples in moral life for other believers to imitate. By the way, Apostle Paul is not the only one through whom the Holy Spirit conveyed this truth that those over the congregation of believers should be exemplary so did He through Apostle Peter in instructing elders of local churches in 1 Peter 5:3:

not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.


Anyway, it is required that pastors or those who teach the word of God should provide believers models or examples to follow in the Christian life.

      The apostle, as we indicated previously, is not exhaustive in the areas in which pastors are to be examples but he gives a sample of the areas in our passage. We know that he was not being exhaustive because there are other areas of examples that are expected of pastors that are not mentioned in Titus 2:7 since the list does not include some of the things the apostle mentioned in a similar instruction given to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12:

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.


This notwithstanding, there are two areas of examples the apostle mentioned in Titus 2:7.

      A first area of example that Titus and so all pastors should set concerns good works. It is this that is given in the verbal phrase of Titus 2:7 set them an example by doing what is good. Literally, the Greek reads showing yourself example of good works. The literal translation reveals that the translators of the NIV are interpretative in their translation. For one thing, the word “them” does not appear in the Greek although it is implied that the example expected of Titus and so all pastors is directed towards members of a given congregation of believers in Christ. This aside. The Holy Spirit through the apostle wants to focus on Titus and so all pastors, this is the reason for the use of the pronoun “yourself”. There is the tendency that pastors could forget to focus on their own spiritual life as they teach others. Therefore, the Holy Spirit by directing the apostle to use the pronoun “yourself” implies that Titus and so all pastors should focus on themselves to ensure that they have vibrant spiritual life as they carry out their function towards the congregation since it is difficult to be an effective example without having a vibrant spiritual life.  Furthermore, the word “doing” of the NIV is not found in the Greek text and so it is an interpretative translation. These differences we have pointed out do not mean that the interpretation of the NIV is wrong but that it is just one of the ways to interpret the Greek expression.

      The problem of interpretation of the Greek concerns how we should interpret the literal phrase of good works in relation to the word example. There are at least three possible interpretations of the relationship between the phrase of good works and the word example. A first interpretation is to take the word “example” as being about or being concerned with good works. A second interpretation is to take the phrase good works as answering the question of how Titus is to go about setting example to others. It is this interpretation that is reflected in the NIV in the verbal phrase by doing what is good. A third interpretation is to take good works as beginning a list of what constitutes the areas of example that is expected of Titus. This interpretation means that we could translate the literal phrase example of good works as example, namely, good works. All three interpretations make sense in the context and so it is difficult to be definitive as to what the apostle meant. Nonetheless, because of the things mentioned in the rest of verses 7 and 8, it is probably that the apostle meant for us to understand the phrase good works as the first in a list of sample areas in which Titus should be exemplary. Thus, it is our interpretation that we should understand that the phrase good works in the literal translation begins the list of two areas in which Titus should be an example to believers.

      How should Titus and so all pastors be example of good works to believers? To answer this, we should first understand what is meant by good works. We make this assertion because there are many who are confused with respect to good works. By this we mean that there are those who think of good works as the way to salvation. In other words, there are those who think that they could work their way into heaven. Therefore, they do anything that in their estimation is valuable to people or that will earn them some points with God. These individuals ignore or are ignorant of the fact that the Scripture is clear that salvation does not depend on good works, as the Holy Spirit states through Apostle Paul in Ephesians 2:8–9:

8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.


That good works does not lead to salvation is further evident in the fact that only those who are regenerated are those who would do the good works God approves, as we can gather from Ephesians 2:10:

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.


Anyway, we are certain that good works does not lead to salvation so we can define what good work means. Good works are the actions or services that a believer under the control of the Holy Spirit performs for the benefit of others.

      There are several actions in the Scripture that are described as good works in the Scripture, but we are concerned specifically with those in which Titus and so all pastors should be exemplary. Titus is to be an example of good work in doing those things that will benefit believers such as instructing them on spiritual matter, but his good works should also involve being kind to others, as that is implied in the instruction of the Holy Spirit through Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:10:

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.


An aspect of good works includes helping the poor, as implied in the description of the believing woman, Dorcas, in Acts 9:36:

In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (which, when translated, is Dorcas), who was always doing good and helping the poor.


This aspect of good works is also implied in the instruction of 1 Timothy 6:18:

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.


Titus and so all pastors should be exemplary in their concern for those who are poor or needy. This statement should be guarded by the fact that a pastor should not encourage laziness on the part of anyone. A person who is poor because of refusal to work or because of laziness is not to be helped so as not to violate God’s word. Except for this situation, Titus and so all pastors should be exemplary in generosity or kindness that will be evident to others. They should possess the attitude that reflects that they are genuinely good in their dealing with people or in being hospitable. This attitude will serve as example for others, granting that since giving is to be as secretive as possible the congregation would not ordinarily know that a pastor gives to help the poor but they should be able to perceive his concern for the poor. This would then help others to recognize the importance of being kind and caring about others, especially the needy.

     There is an aspect of good works that may not be that obvious in which a pastor if married should be exemplary. It is with rearing of children. Many people do not recognize that raising children is a kind of good works but that is what the Scripture conveys, as we can deduce from the qualifications of widows to be supported by a local church, as stated in 1 Timothy 5:10:

and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the saints, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds.


Pastors should be exemplary in this respect. They should set examples to other believers of how children are to be raised. This expected example of pastors is included in their qualifications listed previously in the first chapter of this epistle, specifically in Titus 1:6:

An elder must be blameless, the husband of but one wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.


In any event, the fact of the first example of Titus is that of basic kindness and goodness produced by the Holy Spirit expressed in activities that are beneficial to others that should be evident in him and so in all pastors.

      A second area of example that Titus and so all pastors should set example concerns teaching of God’s word. It is this that is given in the last expression of Titus 2:7 In your teaching show integrity, seriousness.  The word “teaching” is translated from a Greek word (didaskalia) that may mean the act of teaching so that it means “teaching, instruction”, as it is used to describe the activity Apostle Paul expected Timothy to be engaged with respect to the congregation he served as its pastor in 1 Timothy 4:13:

Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.


The word may mean that which is taught hence means “teaching, doctrine”, as it is used in describing that in the last days people will not accept what is taught that is sound or in keeping with what God demands, as we read in 2 Timothy 4:3:

For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.


The word is used in our passage in both senses. In effect, the apostle meant both what is taught and the way it is taught. We are saying that Titus is expected to be exemplary in what he taught and the way he taught it. This example is, no doubt, to be shown to entire congregation but in case of Titus or even pastors of today those who are particularly in view are prospective pastors. Titus who was assigned the task of appointing elders both teaching and administrative types was to be specifically exemplary to those who are appointed teaching elders. The apostle wanted Titus to create impression on them and so on future pastors concerning doctrine taught and the way it is done.

     It may be strange to some that we interpreted the Greek word used in verse 7 as having both meanings of doctrine, that is, what is taught and the way it is taught. This should not be because the words the apostle used next demand, we understand that he was concerned not only with what is taught but the way it is carried out. The first word the apostle used according to the NIV is integrity. The English word “integrity” may refer to “incorruptibility” in the sense of adhering to strong moral principles or it may mean “soundness” that may include internal consistency. Any of these may be applicable in our passage. This aside, there is a manuscript problem that affects the translation of verse 7 as reflected in some English versions in that instead of “integrity” of the NIV we find the word “sincere” as in the CEV and the TEV. The difference is due to the manuscript problem. Some Greek manuscripts read a Greek word that means “freedom from envy.”  Another set of Greek manuscripts read a Greek word that means “sincerity.” Still another group of manuscripts read the Greek word (aphthoria) used in our passage of Titus 2:7 that literally refers to “incorruption” but here means “soundness” or “pure.” This reading is preferred by the Committee that produced the Greek text we use. Their reason is that it is the reading supported by a wider type of manuscripts. Furthermore, it is the reading that would have led to the other Greek words found in other manuscripts. Therefore, we take the meaning of the Greek word as “soundness” or “pure.” If one takes the meaning “sincere”, proper reflection will indicate there is not great difference in the meaning of what the apostle intended. The meaning “soundness” implies that Titus is to ensure that what he teaches is pure or sound in accordance with apostolic doctrines or God’s truth. A person who does this must be sincere in what he teaches. This will mean that when there are difficulties in interpretation such a person will acknowledge it. Hence, there is not much difference between the word “soundness” and “sincere” when it comes to the content of what is taught. In any event, it is because of the word “soundness” or “integrity” as we find in the NIV and many of our English versions that we believe the apostle was concerned with what is taught, that is, the soundness of the doctrine taught by Titus and so by all pastors. The Holy Spirit through the apostle wants to convey to those who teach the word of God that they should be sound in what they teach. The implication is that they should labor hard to arrive at the accurate teaching of a specific doctrine. Their effort will be evident to the congregation and will impact, especially young men, who will one day become pastors or teachers of God’s word.

      The second word the apostle used that leads to the assertion that the Greek word translated “teaching” in the NIV should be taken both as what is taught and the way it is taught is the word seriousness in the NIV of Titus 2:7. The word “seriousness” is translated from a Greek word (semnotēs) that pertains to a mode of behavior that is befitting or above what is ordinary and so carries with it a measure of dignity leading to special respect hence it means “dignity, seriousness, holiness.” It is used in other Greek literature with the meaning of “holiness” when used of deity. It is probably because of this meaning that the translators of the NIV rendered our word “holiness” in 1 Timothy 2:2:

for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.


Most of our English versions used the meaning “dignity” instead of “holiness.” The translators of the NIV used the meaning of “respect” for our Greek word in 1 Timothy 3:4:

He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect.


The last clause see that his children obey him with proper respect is more literally having children in submission with all dignity. The literal translation may mean either that the father that would be an overseer should control his children in such a way that he does not lose his dignity or that the children should have respect for their father. It is this second meaning that is probably meant. This second option is adopted by the translators of the NIV. In any event, in our passage of Titus 2:7 the sense of the word is that of “behavioral dignity” so that the way Titus and so all pastors should conduct themselves in the teaching of the word should convey seriousness and importance of the word of God. In effect, the manner of the teaching of God’s word by Titus and so by all pastors should cause the hearers not only to recognize the seriousness of what the Scripture says but also to recognize that the word of God is not something to be played with or made light on this planet. The way a pastor or a teacher of the word of God is to instruct God’s word should be devoid of jokes that distract from seriousness of God’s word. It is not uncommon to find pastors or teachers of the word of God cracking unnecessary jokes while teaching the word of God. This is inappropriate. It is this kind of behavior that enables some not to be serious while the teaching of the word of God is taking place. Hence, you find someone in a Bible class with a coffee cup in his hand while the teaching of the word of God is taking place since the teacher himself does not convey what a serious matter it is to listen to the teaching of the word of God. We are saying that all those who teach the word of God should recognize what a serious endeavor it is because one is listening to what the Sovereign ruler of the universe has to say through a chosen vessel.

     There is yet another indication that leads to the assertion that the Greek word translated “teaching” in the NIV should be taken both as what is taught and the way it is taught. It is the requirement that Titus’ teaching should be in words that are unassailable. In effect, Titus and so all pastors should be careful in the words they use to communicate God’s truth. They are not to be careless or thoughtless regarding how they deliver their message to their hearers. They should watch their language, so to say, so that what they say cannot be truly faulted. By this I mean that humans find fault with what others do or say but when the way of the delivery of God’s word is objectively evaluated then there should be no fault found in the words used in its delivery. The delivery of the teaching of the word of God should involve words that are not only truthful or accurate but wholesome. It is this requirement that is given in the first sentence of Titus 2:8 and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned. Literally the Greek reads sound word above reproach.

      There is a problem as to how to interpret the literal phrase sound word. Some take it as a reference to the content of the teaching or message as in the NET and others take it as a reference to what is said, that is, speech as in the NIV. The reason for the two interpretations is the range of meanings that are applicable to the Greek word (logos) used that literally means “word.” The Greek word may mean the act of speaking, that is, “speech”, as it is used in 2 Corinthians 8:7:

But just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.


The Greek word may also mean “message” as the content of what is preached or taught, as the word is used in Titus 1:9:

He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.


The two meanings we have given show that either interpretation is acceptable. The interpretation of the literal phrase sound word is also affected by the Greek word (hygiēs)

 translated “sound.” The Greek word used may literally pertain to being physically well or sound so means “healthy, sound”, as it is used to describe the state of the person Peter healed, as recorded in Acts 4:10:

then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.


The sentence this man stands before you healed is more literally this man stands before you healthy. Figuratively, the Greek word used may pertain to being without fault or uncorrupted, as well as useful and beneficial, hence means “correct, right, sound.” It is used only once in the epistles of Apostle Paul in our passage where the meaning is “sound” either in the sense of being accurate or wholesome.  Thus, it is difficult to decide whether the literal phrase sound word is to be understood as referring to accurate message or wholesome speech. It is probably the case that the apostle had in mind both interpretations. In other words, that Titus and so all pastors or teachers of God’s word should insure they are accurate in what they teach in that it is in agreement with the entire Scripture but then the teaching should be done with words that are not coarse or vulgar or as the translators of the CEV  translated “use clean language.” Thus, when a pastor or a teacher of the word instructs believers, he should ensure that he uses words that truthfully communicate the content of the teaching but he should do so with words that are clean or wholesome.  In other words, what he teaches and how he does it should be such that it is difficult for anyone to fault him as that is the meaning of the clause of the NIV of Titus 2:8 that cannot be condemned. Literally, as we have indicated the Greek simply reads above reproach. This is because we have a Greek word (akatagnōstos) that appears only here in the Greek NT; it pertains to not being considered blameworthy hence means “not condemned, beyond reproach.”

      It is important for Titus and so all pastors or teachers of the word of God to be careful in how they teach the word of God to ensure that they silence the critics both because what they teach is accurate and the way they do so is tasteful as it concerns the Scripture. We should be careful to understand that being tasteful does not mean to avoid what the Scripture teaches. For example, there are things described in the Scripture regarding sex that some may find not tasteful when it is explained. That is not what is intended here. So long as the Scripture teaches something, those who teach must teach using the language of the Scripture, so to say. That aside, the purpose of being careful in what a pastor teaches and how he teaches it is, as we have said previously, to silence the critics or to put them in such a state they find their criticism to be foolish since it is devoid of truth. It is this purpose that is given in the last clause of Titus 2:8 so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.

      The opponents of Titus in this context were primarily those of Jewish background that Apostle Paul had previously identified. The proper teaching of the word of God will cause them to be ashamed since they will have no basis for their criticism. It is not that those who are antagonistic towards the teaching of the word God can be silenced in that they would keep their mouth shut but that they will recognize that their criticism is hollow since there is no true basis for it. Therefore, it is important that pastors be careful in their teaching. But they are not the only ones that should be careful with respect to the word of God. Believers in general should be careful so that they do not misapply the word of God in such a way that critics of the Christian faith would have any grounds for their criticism. Therefore, you should endeavor to understand the word of God correctly so that you can correctly apply it or not tell others about it in a way that turns people off completely.  In any event, I leave you with the message of the section we have considered which is: Believers should be exemplary in every way, paying attention to good works, doctrines of the word of God and applying them correctly in order to shame our critics.


