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001_Hebrews_5-27-12.mp3 Introduction
002_Hebrews_5-27-12.mp3 Introduction
003_Hebrews_6-3-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
004_Hebrews_6-3-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
005_Hebrews_6-10-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
006_Hebrews_6-10-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
007_Hebrews_6-17-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
008_Hebrews_6-17-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
009_Hebrews_6-24-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
010_Hebrews_6-24-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
011_Hebrews_7-1-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
012_Hebrews_7-1-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
013_Hebrews_7-8-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
014_Hebrews_7-8-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
015_Hebrews_7-15-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
016_Hebrews_7-15-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
017_Hebrews_7-22-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
018_Hebrews_7-22-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
019_Hebrews_7-29-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
020_Hebrews_7-29-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
021_Hebrews_8-5-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
022_Hebrews_8-5-12.mp3 1:1-4 God’s revelation through His Son
023_Hebrews_8-12-12.mp3 1:1-4 Doctrine of Angels
024_Hebrews_8-12-12.mp3 1:1-4 Doctrine of Angels
025_Hebrews_8-19-12.mp3 1:5-6 Jesus’ superior relationship with the Father
026_Hebrews_8-19-12.mp3 1:5-6 Jesus’ superior relationship with the Father
027_Hebrews_8-26-12.mp3 1:7-12 Jesus’ superior nature and function
028_Hebrews_8-26-12.mp3 1:7-12 Jesus’ superior nature and function
029_Hebrews_9-2-12.mp3 1:7-12 Jesus’ superior nature and function
030_Hebrews_9-2-12.mp3 1:7-12 Jesus’ superior nature and function
031_Hebrews_9-9-12.mp3 1:7-12 Jesus’ superior nature and function
032_Hebrews_9-9-12.mp3 1:13-14 Jesus’ superior acknowledgment
033_Hebrews_9-16-12.mp3 2:1-4 Warning not to neglect salvation
034_Hebrews_9-16-12.mp3 2:1-4 Warning not to neglect salvation
035_Hebrews_9-23-12.mp3 2:1-4 Warning not to neglect salvation
036_Hebrews_9-23-12.mp3 2:1-4 Warning not to neglect salvation
037_Hebrews_9-30-12.mp3 2:1-4 Warning not to neglect salvation
038_Hebrews_9-30-12.mp3 2:1-4 Warning not to neglect salvation
039_Hebrews_10-7-12.mp3 2:5-9 Supremacy of Jesus over all things
040_Hebrews_10-7-12.mp3 2:5-9 Supremacy of Jesus over all things
041_Hebrews_10-14-12.mp3 2:5-9 Supremacy of Jesus over all things
042_Hebrews_10-14-12.mp3 2:5-9 Supremacy of Jesus over all things
043_Hebrews_10-21-12.mp3 2:10-13 Appropriateness of Jesus’ humiliation
044_Hebrews_10-21-12.mp3 2:10-13 Appropriateness of Jesus’ humiliation
045_Hebrews_10-28-12.mp3 2:10-13 Appropriateness of Jesus’ humiliation
046_Hebrews_10-28-12.mp3 2:10-13 Appropriateness of Jesus’ humiliation
047_Hebrews_11-4-12.mp3 2:14-18 Jesus’ share of humanity
048_Hebrews_11-4-12.mp3 2:14-18 Jesus’ share of humanity
049_Hebrews_11-11-12.mp3 2:14-18 Jesus’ share of humanity
050_Hebrews_11-11-12.mp3 2:14-18 Jesus’ share of humanity
051_Hebrews_11-18-12.mp3 3:1-6 Jesus our high priest superior to Moses
052_Hebrews_11-18-12.mp3 3:1-6 Jesus our high priest superior to Moses
053_Hebrews_11-25-12.mp3 3:1-6 Jesus our high priest superior to Moses
054_Hebrews_11-25-12.mp3 3:1-6 Jesus our high priest superior to Moses
055_Hebrews_12-2-12.mp3 3:7-11 Warning against being rebellious
056_Hebrews_12-2-12.mp3 3:7-11 Warning against being rebellious
057_Hebrews_12-9-12.mp3 3:7-11 Warning against being rebellious
058_Hebrews_12-9-12.mp3 3:7-11 Warning against being rebellious
059_Hebrews_12-16-12.mp3 3:12-15 Avoiding resistance of God’s word
060_Hebrews_12-16-12.mp3 3:12-15 Avoiding resistance of God’s word
061_Hebrews_12-23-12.mp3 3:12-15 Avoiding resistance of God’s word
062_Hebrews_12-23-12.mp3 3:12-15 Avoiding resistance of God’s word
063_Hebrews_12-30-12.mp3 3:12-15 Avoiding resistance of God’s word
064_Hebrews_12-30-12.mp3 3:12-15 Avoiding resistance of God’s word
065_Hebrews_1-6-13.mp3 3:16-19 Unbelief keeps entrance to God’s rest
066_Hebrews_1-6-13.mp3 3:16-19 Unbelief keeps entrance to God’s rest
067_Hebrews_1-13-13.mp3 4:1-5 Unbelief keeps entrance to God’s rest
068_Hebrews_1-13-13.mp3 4:1-5 Unbelief keeps entrance to God’s rest
069_Hebrews_1-20-13.mp3 4:1-5 Warning against not entering the rest
070_Hebrews_1-20-13.mp3 4:1-5 Warning against not entering the rest
071_Hebrews_1-27-13.mp3 4:6-13 Strive to enter God’s rest
072_Hebrews_1-27-13.mp3 4:6-13 Strive to enter God’s rest
073_Hebrews_2-3-13.mp3 4:6-13 Strive to enter God’s rest
074_Hebrews_2-3-13.mp3 4:6-13 Strive to enter God’s rest
075_Hebrews_2-10-13.mp3 4:6-13 Strive to enter God’s rest
076_Hebrews_2-10-13.mp3 4:6-13 Strive to enter God’s rest
077_Hebrews_2-17-13.mp3 4:14-16 Reasons to hold on to your faith
078_Hebrews_2-17-13.mp3 4:14-16 Reasons to hold on to your faith
079_Hebrews_2-24-13.mp3 4:14-16 Reasons to hold on to your faith
080_Hebrews_2-24-13.mp3 4:14-16 Reasons to hold on to your faith
081_Hebrews_3-3-13.mp3 5:1-10 Christ’s and human’s priesthoods
082_Hebrews_3-3-13.mp3 5:1-10 Christ’s and human’s priesthoods
083_Hebrews_3-10-13.mp3 5:1-10 Christ’s and human’s priesthoods
084_Hebrews_3-10-13.mp3 5:1-10 Christ’s and human’s priesthoodds
085_Hebrews_3-17-13.mp3 5:1-10 Christ’s and human’s priesthoods
086_Hebrews_3-17-13.mp3 5:1-10 Christ’s and human’s priesthoods
087_Hebrews_3-24-13.mp3 5:11-14 Be ready for advanced teaching
088_Hebrews_3-24-13.mp3 5:11-14 Be ready for advanced teaching
089_Hebrews_3-31-13.mp3 5:11-14 Be ready for advanced teaching
090_Hebrews_3-31-13.mp3 5:11-14 Be ready for advanced teaching
091_Hebrews_4-7-13.mp3 6:1-3 Elementary teachings of Christian Faith
092_Hebrews_4-7-13.mp3 6:1-3 Elementary teachings of Christian Faith
093_Hebrews_4-14-13.mp3 6:1-3 Elementary teachings of Christian Faith
094_Hebrews_4-14-13.mp3 6:1-3 Elementary teachings of Christian Faith
095_Hebrews_5-12-13.mp3 6:1-3 Elementary teachings of Christian Faith
096_Hebrews_5-12-13.mp3 6:1-3 Elementary teachings of Christian Faith
097_Hebrews_5-19-13.mp3 6:4-8 Warning against continuous apostasy
098_Hebrews_5-19-13.mp3 6:4-8 Warning against continuous apostasy
099_Hebrews_5-26-13.mp3 6:4-8 Warning against continuous apostasy
100_Hebrews_5-26-13.mp3 6:4-8 Warning against continuous apostasy
101_Hebrews_6-2-13.mp3 6:4-8 Warning against continuous apostasy
102_Hebrews_6-2-13.mp3 6:4-8 Warning against continuous apostasy
103_Hebrews_6-9-13.mp3 6:9-12 Conviction that leads to commitment
104_Hebrews_6-9-13.mp3 6:9-12 Conviction that leads to commitment
105_Hebrews_6-16-13.mp3 6:9-12 Conviction that leads to commitment
106_Hebrews_6-16-13.mp3 6:9-12 Conviction that leads to commitment
107_Hebrews_6-23-13.mp3 6:9-12 Conviction that leads to commitment
108_Hebrews_6-23-13.mp3 6:9-12 Conviction that leads to commitment
109_Hebrews_6-30-13.mp3 6:13-20 Encouragement to maintain hope
110_Hebrews_6-30-13.mp3 6:13-20 Encouragement to maintain hope
111_Hebrews_7-7-13.mp3 6:13-20 Encouragement to maintain hope
112_Hebrews_7-7-13.mp3 6:13-20 Encouragement to maintain hope
113_Hebrews_7-14-13.mp3 6:13-20 Encouragement to maintain hope
114_Hebrews_7-14-13.mp3 6:13-20 Encouragement to maintain hope
115_Hebrews_7-21-13.mp3 7:1-10 Priesthood of Melchizedek
116_Hebrews_7-21-13.mp3 7:1-10 Priesthood of Melchizedek
117_Hebrews_7-28-13.mp3 7:1-10 Priesthood of Melchizedek
118_Hebrews_7-28-13.mp3 7:1-10 Priesthood of Melchizedek
119_Hebrews_8-4-13.mp3 7:11-19 Impact of Jesus’ priesthood
120_Hebrews_8-4-13.mp3 7:11-19 Impact of Jesus’ priesthood
121_Hebrews_8-11-13.mp3 7:11-19 Impact of Jesus’ priesthood
122_Hebrews_8-11-13.mp3 7:11-19 Impact of Jesus’ priesthood
123_Hebrews_8-18-13.mp3 7:20-22 Two uniqueness of Jesus’ priesthood
124_Hebrews_8-18-13.mp3 7:20-22 Two uniqueness of Jesus’ priesthood
125_Hebrews_8-25-13.mp3 7:23-25 Third uniqueness of Jesus’ priesthood
126_Hebrews_8-25-13.mp3 7:23-25 Third uniqueness of Jesus’ priesthood
127_Hebrews_9-1-13.mp3 7:26-28 Fourth uniqueness of Jesus’ priesthood
128_Hebrews_9-1-13.mp3 7:26-28 Fourth uniqueness of Jesus’ priesthood
129_Hebrews_9-8-13.mp3 8:1-2 Fifth uniqueness of Jesus’ priesthood
130_Hebrews_9-8-13.mp3 8:2-6 Sixth uniqueness of Jesus’ priesthood
131_Hebrews_9-15-13.mp3 8:2-6 Sixth uniqueness of Jesus’ priesthood
132_Hebrews_9-15-13.mp3 8:2-6 Sixth uniqueness of Jesus’ priesthood
133_Hebrews_9-22-13.mp3 8:7-13 Obsoleteness of the first covenant
134_Hebrews_9-22-13.mp3 8:7-13 Obsoleteness of the first covenant
135_Hebrews_9-29-13.mp3 8:7-13 Obsoleteness of the first covenant
136_Hebrews_9-29-13.mp3 8:7-13 Obsoleteness of the first covenant
137_Hebrews_10-6-13.mp3 8:7-13 Obsoleteness of the first covenant
138_Hebrews_10-6-13.mp3 8:7-13 Obsoleteness of the first covenant
139_Hebrews_10-13-13.MP3 8:7-13 Obsoleteness of the first covenant
140_Hebrews_10-13-13.MP3 8:7-13 Obsoleteness of the first covenant
141_Hebrews_10-20-13.MP3 9:1-10 Sanctuary under the old covenant
142_Hebrews_10-20-13.MP3 9:1-10 Sanctuary under the old covenant
143_Hebrews_10-27-13.MP3 9:1-10 Sanctuary under the old covenant
144_Hebrews_10-27-13.MP3 9:1-10 Sanctuary under the old covenant
145_Hebrews_11-3-13.MP3 9:11-15 Christ makes the new covenant superior
146_Hebrews_11-3-13.MP3 9:11-15 Christ makes the new covenant superior
147_Hebrews_11-10-13.MP3 9:11-15 Christ makes the new covenant superior
148_Hebrews_11-10-13.MP3 9:11-15 Christ makes the new covenant superior
149_Hebrews_11-17-13.MP3 9:16-22 First covenant ratified with blood
150_Hebrews_11-17-13.MP3 9:16-22 First covenant ratified with blood
151_Hebrews_11-24-13.MP3 9:23-28 Results of Jesus’ better sacrifice blood
152_Hebrews_11-24-13.MP3 9:23-28 Results of Jesus’ better sacrifice blood
153_Hebrews_12-1-13.MP3 10:1-10 Permanent sanctification through Christ
154_Hebrews_12-1-13.MP3 10:1-10 Permanent sanctification through Christ
155_Hebrews_12-8-13.MP3 10:1-10 Permanent sanctification through Christ
156_Hebrews_12-8-13.MP3 10:1-10 Permanent sanctification through Christ
157_Hebrews_12-15-13.MP3 10:1-10 Permanent sanctification through Christ
158_Hebrews_12-15-13.MP3 10:1-10 Permanent sanctification through Christ
159_Hebrews_12-22-13.MP3 10:11-14 Perfection due to Christ’s sacrifice
160_Hebrews_12-22-13.MP3 10:11-14 Perfection due to Christ’s sacrifice
161_Hebrews_12-29-13.MP3 10:15-18 No more sacrifices
162_Hebrews_12-29-13.MP3 10:15-18 No more sacrifices
163_Hebrews_1-5-14.MP3 10:19-21 Approach God with confidence
164_Hebrews_1-5-14.MP3 10:19-21 Approach God with confidence
165_Hebrews_1-12-14.MP3 10:22-25 Faithfulness in approaching God
166_Hebrews_1-12-14.MP3 10:22-25 Faithfulness in approaching God
167_Hebrews_1-19-14.MP3 10:22-25 Faithfulness in approaching God
168_Hebrews_1-19-14.MP3 10:22-25 Faithfulness in approaching God
169_Hebrews_1-26-14.MP3 10:22-25 Faithfulness in approaching God
170_Hebrews_1-26-14.MP3 10:22-25 Faithfulness in approaching God
171_Hebrews_2-2-14.MP3 10:26-31 No more sacrifice for sin but judgment
172_Hebrews_2-2-14.MP3 10:26-31 No more sacrifice for sin but judgment
173_Hebrews_2-9-14.MP3 10:26-31 No more sacrifice for sin but judgment
174_Hebrews_2-9-14.MP3 10:26-31 No more sacrifice for sin but judgment
175_Hebrews_2-16-14.MP3 10:26-31 No more sacrifice for sin but judgment
176_Hebrews_2-16-14.MP3 10:26-31 No more sacrifice for sin but judgment
177_Hebrews_2-23-14.MP3 10:26-31 No more sacrifice for sin but judgment
178_Hebrews_2-23-14.MP3 10:26-31 No more sacrifice for sin but judgment
179_Hebrews_3-2-14.MP3 10:32-34 Past victory over persecution
180_Hebrews_3-2-14.MP3 10:32-34 Past victory over persecution
181_Hebrews_3-9-14.MP3 10:32-34 Past victory over persecution
182_Hebrews_3-9-14.MP3 10:32-34 Past victory over persecution
183_Hebrews_3-16-14.MP3 10:36-39 Maintain your confidence
184_Hebrews_3-16-14.MP3 10:36-39 Maintain your confidence
185_Hebrews_3-23-14.MP3 10:36-39 Maintain your confidence
186_Hebrews_3-23-14.MP3 10:36-39 Maintain your confidence
187_Hebrews_3-30-14.MP3 10:36-39 Maintain your confidence
188_Hebrews_3-30-14.MP3 10:36-39 Maintain your confidence
189_Hebrews_4-6-14.MP3 10:36-39 Maintain your confidence
190_Hebrews_4-6-14.MP3 10:36-39 Maintain your confidence
191_Hebrews_4-13-14.MP3 11:1-3 Understanding faith
192_Hebrews_4-13-14.MP3 11:1-3 Understanding faith
193_Hebrews_5-4-14.MP3 11:1-3 Understanding faith
194_Hebrews_5-4-14.MP3 11:1-3 Understanding faith
195_Hebrews_5-11-14.MP3 11:4 Demonstration and benefits of Abel’s Faith
196_Hebrews_5-11-14.MP3 11:4 Demonstration and benefits of Abel’s Faith
197_Hebrews_5-18-14.MP3 11:5-6 Impacts of Enoch’s faith
198_Hebrews_5-18-14.MP3 11:5-6 Impacts of Enoch’s faith
199_Hebrews_5-25-14.MP3 11:7 Noah’s Faith
200_Hebrews_5-25-14.MP3 11:7 Noah’s Faith
201_Hebrews_6-1-14.MP3 11:8-10 Abraham’s relocation by faith
202_Hebrews_6-1-14.MP3 11:8-10 Abraham’s relocation by faith
203_Hebrews_6-8-14.MP3 11:8-10 Abraham’s relocation by faith
204_Hebrews_6-8-14.MP3 11:8-10 Abraham’s relocation by faith
205_Hebrews_6-15-14.MP3 11:11-12 Results of Abraham’s faith with Sarah
206_Hebrews_6-15-14.MP3 11:11-12 Results of Abraham’s faith with Sarah
207_Hebrews_6-22-14.MP3 11:13-16 Responses of faith by believers and God
208_Hebrews_6-22-14.MP3 11:13-16 Responses of faith by believers and God
209_Hebrews_6-29-14.MP3 11:13-16 Responses of faith by believers and God
210_Hebrews_6-29-14.MP3 11:13-16 Responses of faith by believers and God
211_Hebrews_7-6-14.MP3 11:17-19 Abraham’s proven faith in offering Isaac
212_Hebrews_7-6-14.MP3 11:17-19 Abraham’s proven faith in offering Isaac
213_Hebrews_7-13-14.MP3 11:20-22 Faith of three Patriarchs
214_Hebrews_7-13-14.MP3 11:20-22 Faith of three Patriarchs
215_Hebrews_7-20-14.MP3 11:23-28 The Faith of Moses
216_Hebrews_7-20-14.MP3 11:23-28 The Faith of Moses
217_Hebrews_7-27-14.MP3 11:23-28 The Faith of Moses
218_Hebrews_7-27-14.MP3 11:23-28 The Faith of Moses
219_Hebrews_8-3-14.MP3 11:29-31 Demonstration of faith in time of Exodus
220_Hebrews_8-3-14.MP3 11:29-31 Demonstration of faith in time of Exodus
221_Hebrews_8-10-14.MP3 11:32-38 More examples of faith demonstration
222_Hebrews_8-10-14.MP3 11:32-38 More examples of faith demonstration
223_Hebrews_8-17-14.MP3 11:32-38 More examples of faith demonstration
224_Hebrews_8-17-14.MP3 11:32-38 More examples of faith demonstration
225_Hebrews_8-24-14.MP3 11:32-38 More examples of faith demonstration
226_Hebrews_8-24-14.MP3 11:32-38 More examples of faith demonstration
227_Hebrews_8-31-14.MP3 11:32-38 More examples of faith demonstration
228_Hebrews_8-31-14.MP3 11:32-38 More examples of faith demonstration
229_Hebrews_9-7-14.MP3 11:32-38 More examples of faith demonstration
230_Hebrews_9-7-14.MP3 11:39-40 Unity of God’s people of faith
231_Hebrews_9-14-14.MP3 12:1-2 Running the race
232_Hebrews_9-14-14.MP3 12:1-2 Running the race
233_Hebrews_9-21-14.MP3 12:1-2 Running the race
234_Hebrews_9-21-14.MP3 12:1-2 Running the race
235_Hebrews_9-28-14.MP3 12:3-13 God’s discipline
236_Hebrews_9-28-14.MP3 12:3-13 God’s discipline
237_Hebrews_10-5-14.MP3 12:3-13 God’s discipline
238_Hebrews_10-5-14.MP3 12:3-13 God’s discipline
239_Hebrews_10-12-14.MP3 12:3-13 God’s discipline
240_Hebrews_10-12-14.MP3 12:3-13 God’s discipline
241_Hebrews_10-19-14.MP3 12:14-17 Goals of peace and sanctification
242_Hebrews_10-19-14.MP3 12:14-17 Goals of peace and sanctification
243_Hebrews_10-26-14.MP3 12:14-17 Goals of peace and sanctification
244_Hebrews_10-26-14.MP3 12:14-17 Goals of peace and sanctification
245_Hebrews_11-2-14.MP3 12:14-17 Goals of peace and sanctification
246_Hebrews_11-2-14.MP3 12:14-17 Goals of peace and sanctification
247_Hebrews_11-9-14.MP3 12:18-24 Believers’ position better than Israel
248_Hebrews_11-9-14.MP3 12:18-24 Believers’ position better than Israel
249_Hebrews_11-16-14.MP3 12:18-24 Believers’ position better than Israel
250_Hebrews_11-16-14.MP3 12:18-24 Believers’ position better than Israel
251_Hebrews_11-23-14.MP3 12:25-28 Unacceptable and acceptable actions
252_Hebrews_11-23-14.MP3 12:25-28 Unacceptable and acceptable actions
253_Hebrews_11-30-14.MP3 12:25-28 Unacceptable and acceptable actions
254_Hebrews_11-30-14.MP3 12:25-28 Unacceptable and acceptable actions
255_Hebrews_12-7-14.MP3 13:1-3 Exhortation on love
256_Hebrews_12-7-14.MP3 13:1-3 Exhortation on love
257_Hebrews_12-14-14.MP3 13:1-3 Exhortation on love
258_Hebrews_12-14-14.MP3 13:1-3 Exhortation on love
259_Hebrews_12-21-14.MP3 13:1-3 Exhortation on love
260_Hebrews_12-21-14.MP3 13:1-3 Exhortation on love
261_Hebrews_12-28-14.MP3 13:4-6 Live a commendable kind of life
262_Hebrews_12-28-14.MP3 13:4-6 Live a commendable kind of life
263_Hebrews_1-4-15.MP3 13:4-6 Live a commendable kind of life
264_Hebrews_1-4-15.MP3 13:4-6 Live a commendable kind of life
265_Hebrews_1-11-15.MP3 13:7-8 Remember and imitate leaders
266_Hebrews_1-11-15.MP3 13:7-8 Remember and imitate leaders
267_Hebrews_1-18-15.MP3 13:9-10 Avoid teachings that focus on rituals
268_Hebrews_1-18-15.MP3 13:9-10 Avoid teachings that focus on rituals
269_Hebrews_1-25-15.MP3 13:11-14 Accept suffering for Christ
270_Hebrews_1-25-15.MP3 13:11-14 Accept suffering for Christ
271_Hebrews_2-1-15.MP3 13:15-16 Accept sacrifices to God
272_Hebrews_2-1-15.MP3 13:15-16 Accept sacrifices to God
273_Hebrews_2-8-15.MP3 13:17 Obedience to spiritual leaders
274_Hebrews_2-8-15.MP3 13:17 Obedience to spiritual leaders
275_Hebrews_2-15-15.MP3 13:18-21 Offering of prayers
276_Hebrews_2-15-15.MP3 13:18-21 Offering of prayers
277_Hebrews_2-22-15.MP3 13:18-21 Offering of prayers
278_Hebrews_2-22-15.MP3 13:18-21 Offering of prayers
279_Hebrews_3-1-15.MP3 13:22-25 Concluding Words
280_Hebrews_3-1-15.MP3 13:22-25 Concluding Words


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