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001_Hosea_2-26-09.mp3 Introduction
002_Hosea_3-4-09.mp3 Introduction
003_Hosea_3-11-09.mp3 1:1 Period of Hosea’s prophecy
004_Hosea_3-18-09.mp3 1:1 Period of Hosea’s prophecy
005_Hosea_3-25-09.mp3 1:1 Period of Hosea’s prophecy
006_Hosea_4-1-09.mp3 1:2 Lord’s initial communication to Hosea
007_Hosea_4-8-09.mp3 1:2 Lord’s initial communication to Hosea
008_Hosea_4-15-09.mp3 1:3-5 Hosea’s first child and its messages
009_Hosea_4-22-09.mp3 1:3-5 Hosea’s first child and its messages
010_Hosea_4-29-09.mp3 1:3-5 Hosea’s first child and its messages
011_Hosea_5-6-09.mp3 1:6-7 Hosea’s second child and its message
012_Hosea_5-13-09.mp3 1:8-9 Hosea’s third child and its message
013_Hosea_6-3-09.mp3 1:10-2:1 Hope of future restoration of Israel
014_Hosea_6-10-09.mp3 1:10-2:1 Hope of future restoration of Israel
015_Hosea_6-17-09.mp3 1:10-2:1 Hope of future restoration of Israel
016_Hosea_6-24-09.mp3 2:2 Cures and causes of strained relationship with God
017_Hosea_7-1-09.mp3 2:3 1st consequence of Israel’s failure to repent
018_Hosea_7-8-09.mp3 2:4-5 2nd consequence of Israel’s failure to repent
019_Hosea_7-15-09.mp3 2:6-7 3rd consequence of Israel’s failure to repent
020_Hosea_7-22-09.mp3 2:6-7 3rd consequence of Israel’s failure to repent
021_Hosea_7-29-09.mp3 2:8-12 Failure to acknowledge source of prosperity
022_Hosea_8-5-09.mp3 2:8-12 Failure to acknowledge source of prosperity
023_Hosea_8-12-09.mp3 2:8-12 Failure to acknowledge source of prosperity
024_Hosea_8-19-09.mp3 2:8-12 Failure to acknowledge source of prosperity
025_Hosea_8-26-09.mp3 2:13 Further punishment of Israel for idolatry
026_Hosea_9-2-09.mp3 2:14-15 The Lord’s allurement activities to Israel
027_Hosea_9-9-09.mp3 2:14-15 The Lord’s allurement activities to Israel
028_Hosea_9-16-09.mp3 2:16-23 Evidences of Israel’s restoration – love, etc.
029_Hosea_9-23-09.mp3 2:17 Evidences of Israel’s restoration – idolatry cured
030_Hosea_9-30-09.mp3 2:18 Evidences of Israel’s restoration – Security
031_Hosea_10-7-09.mp3 2:19-20 Evidences of Israel’s restoration – Commitment
032_Hosea_10-14-09.mp3 2:19-20 Evidences of Israel’s restoration – Prosperity
033_Hosea_10-21-09.mp3 2:23 Evidences of Israel’s restoration – Acknowledgment
034_Hosea_10-28-09.mp3 3:1 God’s restoration involves His love
035_Hosea_11-4-09.mp3 3:2-3 Actions demonstrable in restoration
036_Hosea_11-11-09.mp3 3:2-3 Actions demonstrable in restoration
037_Hosea_11-18-09.mp3 3:4-5 Explanations to the prophet for Lord’s command
038_Hosea_11-25-09.mp3 3:4-5 Explanations to the prophet for Lord’s command
039_Hosea_12-2-09.mp3 4:1-3 The Lord’s charge against Israel
040_Hosea_12-9-09.mp3 4:1-3 The Lord’s charge against Israel
041_Hosea_12-16-09.mp3 4:1-3 The Lord’s charge against Israel
042_Hosea_12-23-09.mp3 4:1-3 The Lord’s charge against Israel
043_Hosea_12-30-09.mp3 4:1-3 The Lord’s charge against Israel
044_Hosea_1-6-10.mp3 4:1-3 The Lord’s charge against Israel/Judgment
045_Hosea_1-13-10.mp3 4:4 No blame game — it is all spiritual
046_Hosea_1-20-10.mp3 4:5 The Lord’s further threats to Israel
047_Hosea_1-27-10.mp3 4:6 The Lord’s further threats to Israel
048_Hosea_2-3-10.mp3 4:7-10 The priests and their problems
049_Hosea_2-10-10.mp3 4:7-10 The priests and their problems
050_Hosea_2-17-10.mp3 4:7-10 The priests and their problems
051_Hosea_2-24-10.mp3 4:11 Lifestyle as evidence of apostasy
052_Hosea_3-3-10.mp3 4:12-13 Worship as evidence of apostasy
053_Hosea_3-10-10.mp3 4:14 God’s surprising way with punishment
054_Hosea_3-17-10.mp3 4:15 Warnings to Israel and Judah
055_Hosea_3-24-10.mp3 4:16-19 More evidences of apostasy in Israel
056_Hosea_3-31-10.mp3 4:16-19 More evidences of apostasy in Israel
057_Hosea_4-7-10.mp3 5:1-2 God’s judgment or discipline is for all
058_Hosea_4-14-10.mp3 5:3-5 Nothing about Israel is hidden to the Lord
059_Hosea_4-21-10.mp3 5:6-7 Seeking the Lord but not finding His favor
060_Hosea_4-28-10.mp3 5:8-12 God warns His people of assured judgment
061_Hosea_5-19-10.mp3 5:8-12 God warns His people of assured judgment
062_Hosea_5-26-10.mp3 5:8-12 God warns His people of assured judgment
063_Hosea_6-2-10.mp3 5:13-15 Israel’s wrong approach to their distress
064_Hosea_6-9-10.mp3 5:13-15 Israel’s wrong approach to their distress
065_Hosea_6-16-10.mp3 6:1-3 Appeal to return to the Lord
066_Hosea_6-23-10.mp3 6:1-3 Appeal to return to the Lord
067_Hosea_6-30-10.mp3 6:4-6 Right and wrong devotion to God
068_Hosea_7-7-10.mp3 6:4-6 Right and wrong devotion to God
069_Hosea_7-14-10.mp3 6:7-11a God’s negative assessments of the people
070_Hosea_7-21-10.mp3 6:7-11a God’s negative assessments of the people
071_Hosea_7-28-10.mp3 6:11b-7:4 God’s negative assessments of the people
072_Hosea_8-4-10.mp3 7:4-7 Israel’s exposed sins & political leaders’ failure
073_Hosea_8-11-10.mp3 7:8, 11 Wrong associations
074_Hosea_8-18-10.mp3 7:9 Failure in perception of the true spiritual condition
075_Hosea_8-25-10.mp3 7:9,10, 14-5, etc Failure to return to the Lord
076_Hosea_9-1-10.mp3 7:12-13, 16c-d God’s judgment
077_Hosea_9-8-10.mp3 8:1-4 Israel’s pending doom
078_Hosea_9-15-10.mp3 8:1-4 Israel’s pending doom – Reasons
079_Hosea_9-22-10.mp3 8:1-4 Israel’s pending doom – Reasons
080_Hosea_9-29-10.mp3 8:1-4 Israel’s pending doom – Reasons
081_Hosea_10-6-10.mp3 8:5-6 Problems associated with Samaria’s idolatry
082_Hosea_10-13-10.mp3 8:7-9 Sowing wind and reaping the whirlwind
083_Hosea_10-20-10.mp3 8:7-9 Sowing wind and reaping the whirlwind
084_Hosea_10-27-10.mp3 8:10 God’s plan of judgment
085_Hosea_11-3-10.mp3 8:11-14 Disdain of the law & its consequences
086_Hosea_11-10-10.mp3 8:11-14 Disdain of the law & its consequences
087_Hosea_11-17-10.mp3 8:11-14 Disdain of the law & its consequences
088_Hosea_11-24-10.mp3 9:1-17 Israel not to rejoice like other nations
089_Hosea_12-1-10.mp3 9:1-17 Israel not to rejoice like other nations
090_Hosea_12-8-10.mp3 9:1-17 Israel not to rejoice like other nations
091_Hosea_12-15-10.mp3 9:7-10 Israel’s coming punishment
092_Hosea_12-22-10.mp3 9:7-10 Israel’s coming punishment
093_Hosea_12-29-10.mp3 9:7-10 Israel’s coming punishment
094_Hosea_1-5-11.mp3 9:7-10 Israel’s coming punishment
095_Hosea_1-12-11.mp3 9:11-17 Israel’s loss of glory
096_Hosea_1-19-11.mp3 9:11-17 Israel’s loss of glory
097_Hosea_1-26-11.mp3 9:11-17 Israel’s loss of glory
098_Hosea_1-2-11.mp3 10:1-2 Deadly combination of idolatry & prosperity
099_Hosea_2-9-11.mp3 10:3-4 Problems of lack of reverence for God
100_Hosea_2-16-11.mp3 10:5-8 Judgment of the calf-idol of Samaria
101_Hosea_2-23-11.mp3 10:5-8 Judgment of the calf-idol of Samaria
102_Hosea_3-2-11.mp3 10:5-8 Judgment of the calf-idol of Samaria
103_Hosea_3-9-11.mp3 10:9-10 Spiritual failure of Israel & consequences
104_Hosea_3-16-11.mp3 10:11-15 Things which Israel should be concerned
105_Hosea_3-23-11.mp3 10:11-15 Things which Israel should be concerned
106_Hosea_3-30-11.mp3 10:11-15 Things which Israel should be concerned
107_Hosea_4-6-11.mp3 10:11-15 Things which Israel should be concerned
108_Hosea_4-13-11.mp3 11:1-4 God’s love & Israel’s negative response
109_Hosea_5-4-11.mp3 11:1-4 God’s love & Israel’s negative response
110_Hosea_5-11-11.mp3 11:1-4 God’s love & Israel’s negative response
111_Hosea_5-18-11.mp3 11:5-7 Consequences of Israel’s negative response
112_Hosea_5-25-11.mp3 11:5-7 Consequences of Israel’s negative response
113_Hosea_6-1-11.mp3 11:8-9 Divine dilemma due to His love for Israel
114_Hosea_6-8-11.mp3 11:8-9 Divine dilemma due to His love for Israel
115_Hosea_6-15-11.mp3 11:8-9 Divine dilemma due to His love for Israel
116_Hosea_6-22-11.mp3 11:10-11 God’s plan for Israel due to His love
117_Hosea_6-29-11.mp3 11:12-12:2 Complaints & threat against God’s people
118_Hosea_7-6-11.mp3 11:12-12:2 Complaints & threat against God’s people
119_Hosea_7-13-11.mp3 12:3-6 Plead to Israel to return to his God
120_Hosea_7-20-11.mp3 12:3-6 Plead to Israel to return to his God
121_Hosea_7-27-11.mp3 12:7-8 Problems of dishonesty and pride
122_Hosea_8-3-11.mp3 12:9-14 Promise and Reminders
123_Hosea_8-17-11.mp3 12:9-14 Promise and Reminders
124_Hosea_8-25-11.mp3 12:9-14 Promise and Reminders
125_Hosea_8-31-11.mp3 12:9-14 Promise and Reminders
126_Hosea_9-7-11.mp3 13:1-3 Impact of idolatry on Ephraim’s status
127_Hosea_9-14-11.mp3 13:4-6 God’s basis for requiring Israel’s loyalty
128_Hosea_9-21-11.mp3 13:7-8 Israel’s punishment for forgetting the Lord
129_Hosea_9-28-11.mp3 13:9-11 Israel’s king powerless in face of judgement
130_Hosea_10-5-11.mp3 13:12-16 Israel’s further judgement
131_Hosea_10-12-11.mp3 13:12-16 Israel’s further judgement
132_Hosea_10-19-11.mp3 13:12-16 Israel’s further judgement
133_Hosea_10-26-11.mp3 13:12-16 Israel’s further judgement
134_Hosea_11-2-11.mp3 13:12-16 Israel’s further judgement
135_Hosea_11-9-11.mp3 14:1-3 Appeal for Israel’s repentance
136_Hosea_11-16-11.mp3 14:2-3 Elements of genuine repentance
137_Hosea_11-23-11.mp3 14:2-3 Elements of genuine repentance
138_Hosea_11-30-11.mp3 14:2-3 Elements of genuine repentance
139_Hosea_12-7-11.mp3 14:4-7 Lord’s response to Israel’s repentance
140_Hosea_12-14-11.mp3 14:4-7 Lord’s response to Israel’s repentance
141_Hosea_12-21-11.mp3 14:4-7 Lord’s response to Israel’s repentance
142_Hosea_12-28-11.mp3 14:8-9 Results of the Lord’s restoration etc.


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