Scroll down to view more mp3s go to last lesson
001_Luke_12-11-05_1.mp3 | 1:1-4 The Preface |
002_Luke_12-11-05_2.mp3 | 1:1-4 The Preface |
003_Luke_12-18-05_1.mp3 | 1:1-4 The Preface |
004_Luke_12-18-05_2.mp3 | 1:1-4 The Preface |
005_Luke_12-28-05_1.mp3 | 1:5-7 Introduction of Zechariah and Elizabeth |
006_Luke_12-28-05_2.mp3 | 1:5-7 Introduction of Zechariah and Elizabeth |
007_Luke_1-1-06_1.mp3 | 1:8-15 Announcement of birth of John, etc. |
008_Luke_1-1-06_2.mp3 | 1:8-15 Announcement of birth of John, etc. |
009_Luke_1-8-06_1.mp3 | 1:16-17 Description of John’s ministry,etc. |
010_Luke_1-8-06_2.mp3 | 1:18-25 Proof of John’s birth, etc. |
011_Luke_1-15-06_1.mp3 | 1:26-33 Promise of Jesus’ birth, etc. |
012_Luke_1-15-06_2.mp3 | 1:26-33 Promise of Jesus’ birth, etc. |
013_Luke_1-22-06_1.mp3 | 1:34-38 Virgin pregnancy, doctrine of virgin birth |
014_Luke_1-22-06_2.mp3 | 1:34-38 Virgin pregnancy, doctrine of virgin birth |
015_Luke_1-29-06_1.mp3 | 1:39-41 Marry arrived to Zechariah’s home, etc. |
016_Luke_1-29-06_2.mp3 | 1:42-45 Elizabeth’s inspired speech |
017_Luke_2-5-06_1.mp3 | 1:46-56 Mary’s praise of God |
018_Luke_2-5-06_2.mp3 | 1:46-56 Mary’s praise of God |
019_Luke_2-12-06_1.mp3 | 1:57-66 Birth of John, circumcision, etc. |
020_Luke_2-12-06_2.mp3 | 1:57-66 Birth of John, circumcision, etc. |
021_Luke_2-19-06_1.mp3 | 1:67-80 Zechariah prophesied, etc. |
022_Luke_2-19-06_2.mp3 | 1:67-80 Zechariah prophesied, etc. |
023_Luke_2-26-06_1.mp3 | 2:1-5 The census at the time of Caesar Augustus |
024_Luke_2-26-06_2.mp3 | 2:1-5 The census at the time of Caesar Augustus |
025_Luke_3-5-06_1.mp3 | 2:6-7 The birth of Jesus |
026_Luke_3-5-06_2.mp3 | 2:8-14 Birth of Jesus announced to shepherds |
027_Luke_3-12-06_1.mp3 | 2:8-14 Birth of Jesus announced to shepherds |
028_Luke_3-12-06_2.mp3 | 2:8-14 Birth of Jesus announced to shepherds |
029_Luke_3-19-06_1.mp3 | 2:15-20 Shepherds confirmed the birth of Jesus |
030_Luke_3-19-06_2.mp3 | 2:15-20 Shepherds confirmed the birth of Jesus |
031_Luke_3-26-06_1.mp3 | 2:21-24 Circumcision and Naming of Jesus, etc. |
032_Luke_3-26-06_2.mp3 | 2:25-35 Dedication ceremony of Jesus, etc. |
033_Luke_4-2-06_1.mp3 | 2:25-35 Dedication ceremony of Jesus, etc. |
034_Luke_4-2-06_2.mp3 | 2:25-35 Dedication ceremony of Jesus, etc. |
035_Luke_4-9-06_1.mp3 | 2:25-35 Dedication ceremony of Jesus, etc. |
036_Luke_4-9-06_2.mp3 | 2:25-35 Dedication ceremony of Jesus, etc. |
037_Luke_4-16-06_1.mp3 | 2:39-50 Jesus’ family’s return to Nazareth, etc. |
038_Luke_4-16-06_2.mp3 | 2:39-50 Jesus’ family’s return to Nazareth, etc. |
039_Luke_4-23-06_1.mp3 | 2:39-50 Jesus’ family’s return to Nazareth, etc. |
040_Luke_4-23-06_2.mp3 | 2:39-50 Jesus’ family’s return to Nazareth, etc. |
041_Luke_4-30-06_1.mp3 | 3:1-2 John’s commission to preach |
042_Luke_4-30-06_2.mp3 | 3:3-18 John’s preaching and baptizing ministry |
043_Luke_5-7-06_1.mp3 | 3:3-18 John’s preaching and baptizing ministry |
044_Luke_5-7-06_2.mp3 | 3:3-18 John’s preaching and baptizing ministry |
045_Luke_5-14-06_1.mp3 | 3:3-18 John’s preaching and baptizing ministry |
046_Luke_5-14-06_2.mp3 | 3:3-18 John’s preaching and baptizing ministry |
047_Luke_6-4-06_1.mp3 | 3:3-18 John’s preaching and baptizing ministry |
048_Luke_6-4-06_2.mp3 | 3:3-18 John’s preaching and baptizing ministry |
049_Luke_6-11-06_1.mp3 | 3:3-18 John’s preaching and baptizing ministry |
050_Luke_6-11-06_2.mp3 | 3:3-18 John’s preaching and baptizing ministry |
051_Luke_6-18-06_1.mp3 | Authentic Christianity |
052_Luke_6-18-06_2.mp3 | Authentic Christianity |
053_Luke_6-25-06_1.mp3 | 3:3-18 John’s preaching and baptizing ministry |
054_Luke_6-25-06_2.mp3 | 3:3-18 John’s preaching, Baptism with the Holy Spirit |
055_Luke_7-2-06_1.mp3 | 3:16 John’s preaching, Baptism with the Holy Spirit |
056_Luke_7-2-06_2.mp3 | 3:16 John’s preaching, Baptism with the Holy Spirit |
057_Luke_7-9-06_1.mp3 | 3:16 John’s preaching, Baptism with the Holy Spirit |
058_Luke_7-9-06_2.mp3 | 3:16 John’s preaching, Baptism with the Holy Spirit |
059_Luke_7-16-06_1.mp3 | 3:16b-19 John’s preaching, Baptism with Fire |
060_Luke_7-16-06_2.mp3 | 3:19-20 John’s imprisonment by Herod |
061_Luke_7-23-06_1.mp3 | 3:21-22 Baptism of Jesus |
062_Luke_7-23-06_2.mp3 | 3:21-22 Baptism of Jesus |
063_Luke_7-30-06_1.mp3 | 3:21-22 Baptism of Jesus |
064_Luke_7-30-06_2.mp3 | 3:23-38 Genealogy of Jesus |
065_Luke_8-6-06_1.mp3 | 3:23-38 Genealogy of Jesus |
066_Luke_8-6-06_2.mp3 | 3:23-38 Genealogy of Jesus |
067_Luke_8-13-06_1.mp3 | 4:1-13 Temptation of Jesus |
068_Luke_8-13-06_2.mp3 | 4:1-13 Temptation of Jesus |
069_Luke_8-20-06_1.mp3 | 4:1-13 Temptation of Jesus |
070_Luke_8-20-06_2.mp3 | 4:1-13 Temptation of Jesus |
071_Luke_8-27-06_1.mp3 | Facing temptation – application of Luke 4:1-13 |
072_Luke_8-27-06_2.mp3 | Facing temptation – application of Luke 4:1-13 |
073_Luke_9-3-06_1.mp3 | 4:14-15 Jesus returned to Galilee |
074_Luke_9-3-06_2.mp3 | 4:16-30 Jesus’ ministry in Nazareth |
075_Luke_9-10-06_1.mp3 | 4:18b-22 The mission of the Messiah |
076_Luke_9-10-06_2.mp3 | 4:18b-22 The mission of the Messiah |
077_Luke_9-17-06_1.mp3 | 4:23-27 Jesus responds to the people’s reaction |
078_Luke_9-17-06_2.mp3 | 4:28-30 The people’s second response |
079_Luke_9-24-06_1.mp3 | 4:31-44 Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum |
080_Luke_9-24-06_2.mp3 | 4:31-44 Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum & Demons |
081_Luke_10-1-06_1.mp3 | 4:31-44 Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum & Demons |
082_Luke_10-1-06_2.mp3 | 4:31-44 Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum & Demons |
083_Luke_10-8-06_1.mp3 | 4:31-44 Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum & Demons |
084_Luke_10-8-06_2.mp3 | 4:31-44 Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum – healings |
085_Luke_10-15-06_1.mp3 | 4:31-44 Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum – healings |
086_Luke_10-15-06_2.mp3 | 4:31-44 Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum – healings |
087_Luke_10-22-06_1.mp3 | 4:31-44 Examination of the kingdom of God |
088_Luke_10-22-06_2.mp3 | 4:31-44 Examination of the kingdom of God |
089_Luke_10-29-06_1.mp3 | 4:31-44 The gospel Jesus preached |
090_Luke_10-29-06_2.mp3 | 4:31-44 The gospel Jesus preached |
091_Luke_11-5-06_1.mp3 | 5:1-11 Jesus’ ministry by the Lake of Gennesaret |
092_Luke_11-5-06_2.mp3 | 5:1-11 Jesus’ ministry by the Lake of Gennesaret |
093_Luke_11-12-06_1.mp3 | 5:12-16 Jesus heals a leper |
094_Luke_11-12-06_2.mp3 | 5:12-16 Jesus heals a leper |
095_Luke_11-19-06_1.mp3 | 5:17-26 Healing of a paralytic |
096_Luke_11-19-06_2.mp3 | 5:17-26 Healing of a paralytic |
097_Luke_11-26-06_1.mp3 | 5:27-32 Calling of Levi |
098_Luke_11-26-06_2.mp3 | 5:27-32 Calling of Levi |
099_Luke_12-3-06_1.mp3 | 5:33-39 Question about Fasting |
100_Luke_12-3-06_2.mp3 | 5:33-39 Question about Fasting |
101_Luke_12-10-06_1.mp3 | 5:33-39 Question about Fasting |
102_Luke_12-10-06_2.mp3 | 5:33-39 Question about Fasting |
103_Luke_12-16-06_1.mp3 | 6:1-11 Jesus and Sabbath |
104_Luke_12-16-06_2.mp3 | 6:1-11 Jesus and Sabbath |
105_Luke_12-24-06_1.mp3 | 6:1-11 Jesus and Sabbath |
106_Luke_12-24-06_2.mp3 | 6:12-16 Jesus chose the Twelve apostles |
107_Luke_12-31-06_1.mp3 | 6:12-16 Jesus chose the Twelve apostles |
108_Luke_12-31-06_2.mp3 | 6:17-49 Jesus’ sermon on the plain |
109_Luke_1-7-07_1.mp3 | 6:17-49 Jesus’ sermon on the plain |
110_Luke_1-7-07_2.mp3 | 6:17-49 Jesus’ sermon on the plain |
111_Luke_1-14-07_1.mp3 | 6:17-49 Jesus’ sermon on the plain |
112_Luke_1-14-07_2.mp3 | 6:17-49 Jesus’ sermon on the plain |
113_Luke_1-21-07_1.mp3 | 6:27-36 Love for enemies |
114_Luke_1-21-07_2.mp3 | 6:27-36 Love for enemies |
115_Luke_1-28-07_1.mp3 | 6:27-36 Love for enemies |
116_Luke_1-28-07_2.mp3 | 6:27-36 Love for enemies |
117_Luke_2-4-07_1.mp3 | 6:37-38 Attitudes in human interactions |
118_Luke_2-4-07_2.mp3 | 6:37-38 Attitudes in human interactions |
119_Luke_2-11-07_1.mp3 | 6:39-45 Importance of spiritual condition in helping others |
120_Luke_2-11-07_2.mp3 | 6:39-45 Importance of spiritual condition in helping others |
121_Luke_2-18-07_1.mp3 | 6:39-45 Importance of spiritual condition in helping others |
122_Luke_2-18-07_2.mp3 | 6:39-45 Importance of spiritual condition in helping others |
123_Luke_2-25-07_1.mp3 | 6:46-49 Importance of Obedience |
124_Luke_2-25-07_2.mp3 | 6:46-49 Importance of Obedience |
125_Luke_3-4-07_1.mp3 | 7:1-10 Jesus heals a centurion’s servant in Capernaum |
126_Luke_3-4-07_2.mp3 | 7:1-10 Jesus heals a centurion’s servant in Capernaum |
127_Luke_3-11-07_1.mp3 | 7:1-10 Jesus heals a centurion’s servant in Capernaum |
128_Luke_3-11-07_2.mp3 | 7:1-10 Jesus heals a centurion’s servant in Capernaum |
129_Luke_3-18-07_1.mp3 | 7:1-10 Jesus heals a centurion’s servant in Capernaum |
130_Luke_3-18-07_2.mp3 | 7:1-10 Jesus heals a centurion’s servant in Capernaum |
131_Luke_3-25-07_1.mp3 | 7:1-10 Our responsibilities towards God’s word |
132_Luke_3-25-07_2.mp3 | 7:1-10 Our responsibilities towards God’s word |
133_Luke_4-1-07_1.mp3 | 7:1-10 Faith |
134_Luke_4-1-07_2.mp3 | 7:1-10 Faith |
135_Luke_4-8-07_1.mp3 | 7:1-10 Faith |
136_Luke_4-8-07_2.mp3 | 7:1-10 Faith |
137_Luke_4-15-07_1.mp3 | 7:11-17 Jesus raises a dead woman’s son in Nain |
138_Luke_4-15-07_2.mp3 | 7:11-17 Jesus raises a dead woman’s son in Nain |
139_Luke_4-22-07_1.mp3 | 7:18-35 Jesus comments on John the Baptist |
140_Luke_4-22-07_2.mp3 | 7:18-35 Jesus comments on John the Baptist |
141_Luke_4-29-07_1.mp3 | 7:18-35 Jesus comments on John the Baptist |
142_Luke_4-29-07_2.mp3 | 7:18-35 Jesus comments on John the Baptist |
143_Luke_5-6-07_1.mp3 | 7:18-35 Jesus comments on John the Baptist |
144_Luke_5-6-07_2.mp3 | 7:18-35 Jesus comments on John the Baptist |
145_Luke_5-13-07_1.mp3 | 7:18-35 Jesus comments on John the Baptist |
146_Luke_5-13-07_2.mp3 | 7:18-35 Jesus comments on John the Baptist |
147_Luke_6-3-07_1.mp3 | 7:18-35 Jesus comments on John the Baptist |
148_Luke_6-3-07_2.mp3 | 7:18-35 Jesus comments on John the Baptist |
149_Luke_6-10-07_1.mp3 | 7:18-35 Jesus comments on John the Baptist |
150_Luke_6-10-07_2.mp3 | 7:18-35 Jesus comments on John the Baptist |
151_Luke_6-17-07_1.mp3 | 7:36-50 Jesus forgives a woman in a Pharisee’s home |
152_Luke_6-17-07_2.mp3 | 7:36-50 Jesus forgives a woman in a Pharisee’s home |
153_Luke_6-24-07_1.mp3 | 7:36-50 Jesus forgives a woman in a Pharisee’s home |
154_Luke_6-24-07_2.mp3 | 7:36-50 Jesus forgives a woman in a Pharisee’s home |
155_Luke_7-1-07_1.mp3 | 7:36-50 Jesus forgives a woman in a Pharisee’s home |
156_Luke_7-1-07_2.mp3 | 7:36-50 Jesus forgives a woman in a Pharisee’s home |
157_Luke_7-8-07_1.mp3 | 7:36-50 Jesus forgives a woman in a Pharisee’s home |
158_Luke_7-8-07_2.mp3 | 7:36-50 Jesus forgives a woman in a Pharisee’s home |
159_Luke_7-15-07_1.mp3 | 7:36-50 Jesus forgives a woman in a Pharisee’s home |
160_Luke_7-15-07_2.mp3 | 7:36-50 Jesus forgives a woman in a Pharisee’s home |
161_Luke_7-22-07_1.mp3 | 8:1-3 Women companions of Jesus |
162_Luke_7-22-07_2.mp3 | 8:1-3 Women companions of Jesus |
163_Luke_7-29-07_1.mp3 | 8:4-15 The parable of the Sower |
164_Luke_7-29-07_2.mp3 | 8:4-15 The parable of the Sower |
165_Luke_8-5-07_1.mp3 | 8:4-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
166_Luke_8-5-07_2.mp3 | 8:4-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
167_Luke_8-12-07_1.mp3 | 8:4-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
168_Luke_8-12-07_2.mp3 | 8:4-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
169_Luke_8-19-07_1.mp3 | 8:4-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
170_Luke_8-19-07_2.mp3 | 8:4-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
171_Luke_8-26-07_1.mp3 | 8:4-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
172_Luke_8-26-07_2.mp3 | 8:4-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
173_Luke_9-2-07_1.mp3 | 8:4-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
174_Luke_9-2-07_2.mp3 | 8:4-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
175_Luke_9-9-07_1.mp3 | 8:4-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
176_Luke_9-9-07_2.mp3 | 8:4-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
177_Luke_9-16-07_1.mp3 | 8:11-15 Meditation |
178_Luke_9-16-07_2.mp3 | 8:11-15 Meditation |
179_Luke_9-23-07_1.mp3 | 8:11-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
180_Luke_9-23-07_2.mp3 | 8:11-15 Interpretation of the parable of the Sower |
181_Luke_9-30-07_1.mp3 | 8:16-18 Parable of Lighted Lamp |
182_Luke_9-30-07_2.mp3 | 8:16-18 Parable of Lighted Lamp |
183_Luke_10-7-07_1.mp3 | 8:19-21 Jesus’ True Family |
184_Luke_10-7-07_2.mp3 | 8:19-21 Jesus’ True Family |
185_Luke_10-14-07_1.mp3 | 8:22-25 Jesus calms a storm |
186_Luke_10-14-07_2.mp3 | 8:22-25 Jesus calms a storm |
187_Luke_10-21-07_1.mp3 | 8:22-25 Jesus calms a storm |
188_Luke_10-21-07_2.mp3 | 8:22-25 Jesus calms a storm |
189_Luke_10-28-07_1.mp3 | 8:26-39 Jesus healed a demoniac in Gerasenes’ region |
190_Luke_10-28-07_2.mp3 | 8:26-39 Jesus healed a demoniac in Gerasenes’ region |
191_Luke_11-4-07_1.mp3 | 8:26-39 Jesus healed a demoniac in Gerasenes’ region |
192_Luke_11-4-07_2.mp3 | 8:26-39 Jesus healed a demoniac in Gerasenes’ region |
193_Luke_11-11-07_1.mp3 | 8:40-56 Jesus’ two miracles on return to Galilee |
194_Luke_11-11-07_2.mp3 | 8:40-56 Jesus’ two miracles on return to Galilee |
195_Luke_11-18-07_1.mp3 | 8:40-56 Jesus’ two miracles on return to Galilee |
196_Luke_11-18-07_2.mp3 | 8:40-56 Jesus’ two miracles on return to Galilee |
197_Luke_11-25-07_1.mp3 | 9:1-6 The Twelve on preaching & healing mission |
198_Luke_11-25-07_2.mp3 | 9:1-6 The Twelve on preaching & healing mission |
199_Luke_12-2-07_1.mp3 | 9:1-6 The Twelve on preaching & healing mission |
200_Luke_12-2-07_2.mp3 | 9:7-9 Herod’s reaction to the news about Jesus |
201_Luke_12-9-07_1.mp3 | 9:10-17 Jesus feeds five thousand in Bethsaida |
202_Luke_12-9-07_2.mp3 | 9:10-17 Jesus feeds five thousand in Bethsaida |
203_Luke_12-16-07_1.mp3 | 9:10-17 Jesus feeds five thousand in Bethsaida |
204_Luke_12-16-07_2.mp3 | 9:10-17 Jesus feeds five thousand in Bethsaida |
205_Luke_12-23-07_1.mp3 | 9:18-21 Peter’s confession about Jesus’ identity |
206_Luke_12-23-07_2.mp3 | 9:18-21 Peter’s confession about Jesus’ identity |
207_Luke_12-30-07_1.mp3 | 9:22 Jesus prophesied His sufferings, death, etc. |
208_Luke_12-30-07_2.mp3 | 9:22 Jesus prophesied His sufferings, death, etc. |
209_Luke_1-6-08_1.mp3 | 9:23-25 Conditions for being Jesus’ disciple |
210_Luke_1-6-08_2.mp3 | 9:23-25 Conditions for being Jesus’ disciple |
211_Luke_1-13-08_1.mp3 | 9:23-25 Conditions for being Jesus’ disciple |
212_Luke_1-13-07_2.mp3 | 9:26-27 More reasons for Jesus’ prohibitive instruction |
213_Luke_1-20-08_1.mp3 | 9:28-36 Transfiguration experience of Jesus Christ |
214_Luke_1-20-07_2.mp3 | 9:28-36 Transfiguration experience of Jesus Christ |
215_Luke_1-27-08_1.mp3 | 9:28-36 Transfiguration experience of Jesus Christ |
216_Luke_1-27-08_2.mp3 | 9:28-36 Transfiguration experience of Jesus Christ |
217_Luke_2-3-08_1.mp3 | 9:28-36 Transfiguration experience of Jesus Christ |
218_Luke_2-3-08_2.mp3 | 9:28-36 Transfiguration experience of Jesus Christ |
219_Luke_2-10-08_1.mp3 | 9:28-36 Transfiguration experience of Jesus Christ |
220_Luke_2-10-08_2.mp3 | 9:28-36 Transfiguration experience of Jesus Christ |
221_Luke_2-17-08_1.mp3 | 9:37-43a Jesus heals a demon-indwelt boy |
222_Luke_2-17-08_2.mp3 | 9:37-43a Jesus heals a demon-indwelt boy |
223_Luke_2-24-08_1.mp3 | 9:37-43a Jesus heals a demon-indwelt boy |
224_Luke_2-24-08_2.mp3 | 9:37-43a Jesus heals a demon-indwelt boy |
225_Luke_3-2-08_1.mp3 | 9:43b-45 Jesus predicts His death |
226_Luke_3-2-08_2.mp3 | 9:43b-45 Jesus predicts His death |
227_Luke_3-9-08_1.mp3 | 9:46-48 Problem of desire for greatness |
228_Luke_3-9-08_2.mp3 | 9:46-48 Problem of desire for greatness |
229_Luke_3-16-08_1.mp3 | 9:49-50 Problem of desire for exclusivity |
230_Luke_3-16-08_2.mp3 | 9:49-50 Problem of desire for exclusivity |
231_Luke_3-23-08_1.mp3 | 9:51-56 Jesus’ rejection in a Samaritan village |
232_Luke_3-23-08_2.mp3 | 9:51-56 Jesus’ rejection in a Samaritan village |
233_Luke_3-30-08_1.mp3 | 9:57-62 Being a follower of Jesus |
234_Luke_3-30-08_2.mp3 | 9:57-62 Being a follower of Jesus |
235_Luke_4-6-08_1.mp3 | 10:1-3 Intro. – mission of the seventy-two |
236_Luke_4-6-08_2.mp3 | 10:1-3 Intro. – mission of the seventy-two |
237_Luke_4-13-08_1.mp3 | 10:4 Preachers trust the Lord; avoid distraction |
238_Luke_4-13-08_2.mp3 | 10:5-11 Preacher’s concern to those he ministers |
239_Luke_4-20-08_1.mp3 | 10:5-11 Preacher’s concern to those he ministers |
240_Luke_4-20-08_2.mp3 | 10:5-11 Preacher’s concern to those he ministers |
241_Luke_4-27-08_1.mp3 | 10:10-11 Preacher’s concern shown negatively |
242_Luke_4-27-08_2.mp3 | 10:12-16 Preacher’s correct analysis of rejection |
243_Luke_5-4-08_1.mp3 | 10:12-16 Preacher’s correct analysis of rejection |
244_Luke_5-4-08_2.mp3 | 10:12-16 Preacher’s correct analysis of rejection |
245_Luke_5-11-08_1.mp3 | 10:17 Report of the seventy-two disciples |
246_Luke_5-11-08_2.mp3 | 10:17 Report of the seventy-two disciples |
247_Luke_6-1-08_1.mp3 | 10:18-20 Right response to success in spiritual realm |
248_Luke_6-1-08_2.mp3 | 10:18-20 Right response to success in spiritual realm |
249_Luke_6-8-08_1.mp3 | 10:18-20 Right response to success in spiritual realm |
250_Luke_6-8-08_2.mp3 | 10:18-20 Right response to success in spiritual realm |
251_Luke_7-13-08_1.mp3 | 10:21-22 True praise of God |
252_Luke_7-13-08_2.mp3 | 10:21-22 True praise of God |
253_Luke_7-20-08_1.mp3 | 10:21-22 True praise of God |
254_Luke_7-20-08_2.mp3 | 10:21-22 True praise of God |
255_Luke_7-27-08_1.mp3 | 10:23-24 The privileged disciples |
256_Luke_7-27-08_2.mp3 | 10:23-24 The privileged disciples |
257_Luke_8-3-08_1.mp3 | 10:25-37 Compassionate Samaritan, eternal life? |
258_Luke_8-3-08_2.mp3 | 10:25-37 Compassionate Samaritan, eternal life? |
259_Luke_8-10-08_1.mp3 | 10:25-37 Compassionate Samaritan, neighbor? |
260_Luke_8-10-08_2.mp3 | 10:25-37 Compassionate Samaritan, neighbor? |
261_Luke_8-17-08_1.mp3 | 10:38-42 Priority of Bible study over activities |
262_Luke_8-17-08_2.mp3 | 10:38-42 Priority of Bible study over activities |
263_Luke_8-24-08_1.mp3 | 11:1-13 Jesus teaches His disciples to pray |
264_Luke_8-24-08_2.mp3 | 11:1-13 Jesus teaches His disciples to pray |
265_Luke_8-31-08_1.mp3 | 11:1-13 Jesus teaches His disciples to pray |
266_Luke_8-31-08_2.mp3 | 11:1-13 Jesus teaches His disciples to pray |
267_Luke_9-7-08_1.mp3 | 11:1-13 Jesus teaches His disciples to pray |
268_Luke_9-7-08_2.mp3 | 11:1-13 Jesus teaches His disciples to pray |
269_Luke_9-14-08_1.mp3 | 11:1-13 Jesus teaches His disciples to pray |
270_Luke_9-14-08_2.mp3 | 11:1-13 Jesus teaches His disciples to pray |
271_Luke_9-21-08_1.mp3 | 11:1-13 Jesus teaches His disciples to pray |
272_Luke_9-21-08_2.mp3 | 11:1-13 Jesus teaches His disciples to pray |
273_Luke_9-28-08_1.mp3 | 11:14-16 Reactions to Jesus’ casting out demons |
274_Luke_9-28-08_2.mp3 | 11:14-16 Reactions to Jesus’ casting out demons |
275_Luke_10-5-08_1.mp3 | 11:17-20 Powerful living – evidence we are in God’s kingdom |
276_Luke_10-5-08_2.mp3 | 11:17-20 Powerful living – evidence we are in God’s kingdom |
277_Luke_10-12-08_1.mp3 | 11:21-22 Jesus Christ is stronger than Satan |
278_Luke_10-12-08_2.mp3 | 11:21-22 Jesus Christ is stronger than Satan |
279_Luke_10-19-08_1.mp3 | 11:23 In League with Jesus Christ |
280_Luke_10-19-08_2.mp3 | 11:23 In League with Jesus Christ |
281_Luke_10-26-08_1.mp3 | 11:24-26 A demonic pattern |
282_Luke_10-26-08_2.mp3 | 11:24-26 A demonic pattern |
283_Luke_11-2-08_1.mp3 | 11:27-28 True Blessedness or happiness |
284_Luke_11-2-08_2.mp3 | 11:27-28 True Blessedness or happiness |
285_Luke_11-9-08_1.mp3 | 11:29-32 An evil or wicked generation |
286_Luke_11-9-08_2.mp3 | 11:29-32 An evil or wicked generation |
287_Luke_11-16-08_1.mp3 | 11:29-32 An evil or wicked generation |
288_Luke_11-16-08_2.mp3 | 11:29-32 An evil or wicked generation |
289_Luke_11-23-08_1.mp3 | 11:33-36 Ensure that you are in the truth and not in error |
290_Luke_11-23-08_2.mp3 | 11:33-36 Ensure that you are in the truth and not in error |
291_Luke_11-30-08_1.mp3 | 11:33-36 Ensure that you are in the truth and not in error |
292_Luke_11-30-08_2.mp3 | 11:33-36 Ensure that you are in the truth and not in error |
293_Luke_12-7-08_1.mp3 | 11:37-41 Prelude to the denunciation of two religious groups |
294_Luke_12-7-08_2.mp3 | 11:37-41 Prelude to the denunciation of two religious groups |
295_Luke_12-14-08_1.mp3 | 11:42-52 Some actions that would put you under God’s curse |
296_Luke_12-14-08_2.mp3 | 11:42-52 Some actions that would put you under God’s curse |
297_Luke_12-21-08_1.mp3 | 11:42-52 Some actions that would put you under God’s curse |
298_Luke_12-21-08_2.mp3 | 11:42-52 Some actions that would put you under God’s curse |
299_Luke_12-28-08_1.mp3 | 11:42-52 Some actions that would put you under God’s curse |
300_Luke_12-28-08_2.mp3 | 11:42-52 Some actions that would put you under God’s curse |
301_Luke_1-4-09_1.mp3 | 11:42-52 Some actions that would put you under God’s curse |
302_Luke_1-4-09_2.mp3 | 11:42-52 Some actions that would put you under God’s curse |
303_Luke_1-11-09_1.mp3 | 11:42-52 Some actions that would put you under God’s curse |
304_Luke_1-11-09_2.mp3 | 11:42-52 Some actions that would put you under God’s curse |
305_Luke_1-18-09_1.mp3 | 11:53-54 Religious leaders’ reactions to Jesus’ denunciation |
306_Luke_1-18-09_2.mp3 | 11:53-54 Religious leaders’ reactions to Jesus’ denunciation |
307_Luke_1-25-09_1.mp3 | 12:1-3 Teaching concerning hypocrisy |
308_Luke_1-25-09_2.mp3 | 12:1-3 Teaching concerning hypocrisy |
309_Luke_2-1-09_1.mp3 | 12:4-7 Right and wrong objects of fear |
310_Luke_2-1-09_2.mp3 | 12:4-7 Right and wrong objects of fear |
311_Luke_2-8-09_1.mp3 | 12:8-10 Utterances concerning Jesus and the Holy Spirit |
312_Luke_2-8-09_2.mp3 | 12:8-10 Utterances concerning Jesus and the Holy Spirit |
313_Luke_2-15-09_1.mp3 | 12:10-12 Holy Spirit’s help in facing hostile situations |
314_Luke_2-15-09_2.mp3 | 12:10-12 Holy Spirit’s help in facing hostile situations |
315_Luke_2-22-09_1.mp3 | 12:13-21 Be vigilant about greediness |
316_Luke_2-22-09_2.mp3 | 12:13-21 Be vigilant about greediness |
317_Luke_3-1-09_1.mp3 | 12:13-21 Be vigilant about greediness |
318_Luke_3-1-09_2.mp3 | 12:13-21 Be vigilant about greediness |
319_Luke_3-8-09_1.mp3 | 12:22-31 No need to worry about life’s necessities |
320_Luke_3-8-09_2.mp3 | 12:22-31 No need to worry about life’s necessities |
321_Luke_3-15-09_1.mp3 | 12:22-31 No need to worry about life’s necessities |
322_Luke_3-15-09_2.mp3 | 12:22-31 No need to worry about life’s necessities |
323_Luke_3-22-09_1.mp3 | 12:32-34 Making eternal investments |
324_Luke_3-22-09_2.mp3 | 12:32-34 Making eternal investments |
325_Luke_3-29-09_1.mp3 | 12:32-34 Making eternal investments |
326_Luke_3-29-09_2.mp3 | 12:32-34 Making eternal investments – Giving |
327_Luke_4-5-09_1.mp3 | 12:32-34 Making eternal investments – Giving |
328_Luke_4-5-09_2.mp3 | 12:32-34 Making eternal investments – Giving |
329_Luke_4-12-09_1.mp3 | 12:32-34 Making eternal investments – Giving |
330_Luke_4-12-09_2.mp3 | 12:32-34 Making eternal investments – Giving |
331_Luke_4-19-09_1.mp3 | 12:35-36 Have slave mentality waiting for Christ’s return |
332_Luke_4-19-09_2.mp3 | 12:35-36 Have slave mentality waiting for Christ’s return |
333_Luke_4-27-09_1.mp3 | 12:35-36 Have slave mentality waiting for Christ’s return |
334_Luke_4-27-09_2.mp3 | 12:35-36 Have slave mentality waiting for Christ’s return |
335_Luke_5-3-09_1.mp3 | 12:37-40 Remain spiritually vigilant or alert |
336_Luke_5-3-09_2.mp3 | 12:37-40 Remain spiritually vigilant or alert |
337_Luke_5-10-09_1.mp3 | 12:42,45 Two kinds of slave of Jesus Christ |
338_Luke_5-10-09_2.mp3 | 12:42,45 Two kinds of slave of Jesus Christ |
339_Luke_5-31-09_1.mp3 | 12:43-44,46 Reasons to be faithful slave of Christ |
340_Luke_5-31-09_2.mp3 | 12:43-44,46 Reasons to be faithful slave of Christ |
341_Luke_6-7-09_1.mp3 | 12:47-48 Great privilege carries greater responsibility |
342_Luke_6-7-09_2.mp3 | 12:47-48 Great privilege carries greater responsibility |
343_Luke_6-14-09_1.mp3 | 12:47-48 Great privilege carries greater responsibility |
344_Luke_6-14-09_2.mp3 | 12:47-48 Great privilege carries greater responsibility |
345_Luke_6-21-09_1.mp3 | 12:49-53 Division due to faith in Christ is inevitable |
346_Luke_6-21-09_2.mp3 | 12:49-53 Division due to faith in Christ is inevitable |
347_Luke_6-28-09_1.mp3 | 12:54-56 Interpreting signs of weather but not of Christ |
348_Luke_6-28-09_2.mp3 | 12:54-56 Interpreting signs of weather but not of Christ |
349_Luke_7-5-09_1.mp3 | 12:57-59 Reconciliation, better way to settle dispute |
350_Luke_7-5-09_2.mp3 | 12:57-59 Reconciliation, better way to settle dispute |
1_GodsComm_7-12-09.mp3 | Job 33:13-21 God’s two methods of communication |
2_GodsComm_7-12-09.mp3 | Job 33:13-21 God’s two methods of communication |
351_Luke_7-19-09_1.mp3 | 13:1-9 Spiritual responses to violent death |
352_Luke_7-19-09_2.mp3 | 13:1-9 Spiritual responses to violent death |
353_Luke_7-26-09_1.mp3 | 13:1-9 Spiritual responses to violent death: conversion |
354_Luke_7-26-09_2.mp3 | 13:1-9 Spiritual responses to violent death: conversion |
355_Luke_8-2-09_1.mp3 | 13:1-9 Spiritual responses to violent death: conversion |
356_Luke_8-2-09_2.mp3 | 13:1-9 Spiritual responses to violent death: conversion |
357_Luke_8-9-09_1.mp3 | 13:1-9 Spiritual responses to violent death: conversion |
358_Luke_8-9-09_2.mp3 | 13:1-9 Spiritual responses to violent death: conversion |
359_Luke_8-16-09_1.mp3 | 13:1-9 Spiritual responses to violent death: production |
360_Luke_8-16-09_2.mp3 | 13:1-9 Spiritual responses to violent death: production |
361_Luke_8-23-09_1.mp3 | 13:10-17 Healing a woman on a sabbath |
362_Luke_8-23-09_2.mp3 | 13:10-17 Healing a woman on a sabbath |
363_Luke_8-30-09_1.mp3 | 13:18-21 Comparisons to the Kingdom |
364_Luke_8-30-09_2.mp3 | 13:18-21 Comparisons to the Kingdom |
365_Luke_9-6-09_1.mp3 | 13:22-30 The Narrow Door |
366_Luke_9-6-09_2.mp3 | 13:22-30 The Narrow Door |
367_Luke_9-13-09_1.mp3 | 13:22-30 The Narrow Door |
368_Luke_9-13-09_2.mp3 | 13:22-30 The Narrow Door |
369_Luke_9-20-09_1.mp3 | 13:31-35 Jesus’ courage mixed with grief over Jerusalem |
370_Luke_9-20-09_2.mp3 | 13:31-35 Jesus’ courage mixed with grief over Jerusalem |
371_Luke_9-20-09_1.mp3 | 14:1-6 Jesus heals a man with dropsy on a Sabbath |
372_Luke_9-20-09_2.mp3 | 14:1-6 Jesus heals a man with dropsy on a Sabbath |
373_Luke_10-4-09_1.mp3 | 14:7-11 Parable-Advice of conduct wedding feast |
374_Luke_10-4-09_2.mp3 | 14:7-11 Parable-Advice of conduct wedding feast |
375_Luke_10-11-09_1.mp3 | 14:12-14 About giving a banquet |
376_Luke_10-11-09_2.mp3 | 14:12-11 About giving a banquet |
377_Luke_10-18-09_1.mp3 | 14:15-24 Parable of invitation to the great banquet |
378_Luke_10-18-09_2.mp3 | 14:15-24 Parable of invitation to the great banquet |
379_Luke_10-25-09_1.mp3 | 14:15-24 Parable of invitation to the great banquet |
380_Luke_10-25-09_2.mp3 | 14:15-24 Parable of invitation to the great banquet |
381_Luke_11-1-09_1.mp3 | 14:15-24 Parable of invitation to the great banquet |
382_Luke_11-1-09_2.mp3 | 14:15-24 Parable of invitation to the great banquet |
383_Luke_11-8-09_1.mp3 | 14:25-35 Being a disciple of Jesus |
384_Luke_11-8-09_2.mp3 | 14:25-35 Being a disciple of Jesus |
385_Luke_11-15-09_1.mp3 | 14:25-35 Being a disciple of Jesus |
386_Luke_11-15-09_2.mp3 | 14:25-35 Being a disciple of Jesus |
387_Luke_11-22-09_1.mp3 | 14:25-35 Being a disciple of Jesus |
388_Luke_11-22-09_2.mp3 | 14:25-35 Being a disciple of Jesus |
389_Luke_11-29-09_1.mp3 | 14:25-35 Being a disciple of Jesus |
390_Luke_11-29-09_2.mp3 | 14:25-35 Being a disciple of Jesus |
391_Luke_12-6-09_1.mp3 | 14:25-35 Being a disciple of Jesus |
392_Luke_12-6-09_2.mp3 | 14:25-35 Being a disciple of Jesus |
393_Luke_12-13-09_1.mp3 | 15:1-7 Parable of the lost sheep |
394_Luke_12-13-09_2.mp3 | 15:1-7 Parable of the lost sheep |
395_Luke_12-13-09_1.mp3 | 15:8-15 Parable of the lost coin |
396_Luke_12-13-09_2.mp3 | 15:8-15 Parable of the lost coin |
397_Luke_12-27-09_1.mp3 | 15:11-32 Parable of a compassionate father |
398_Luke_12-27-09_2.mp3 | 15:11-32 Parable of a compassionate father |
399_Luke_1-3-10_1.mp3 | 15:11-32 Parable of a compassionate father |
400_Luke_1-3-10_2.mp3 | 15:11-32 Parable of a compassionate father |
401_Luke_1-10-10_1.mp3 | 15:11-32 Parable of a compassionate father |
402_Luke_1-10-10_2.mp3 | 15:11-32 Parable of a compassionate father |
403_Luke_1-17-10_1.mp3 | 15:11-32 Parable of a compassionate father |
404_Luke_1-17-10_2.mp3 | 15:11-32 Parable of a compassionate father |
405_Luke_1-24-10_1.mp3 | 16:1-13 Parable of the dishonest manager |
406_Luke_1-24-10_2.mp3 | 16:1-13 Parable of the dishonest manager |
407_Luke_1-31-10_1.mp3 | 16:1-13 Parable of the dishonest manager |
408_Luke_1-31-10_2.mp3 | 16:1-13 Parable of the dishonest manager |
409_Luke_2-7-10_1.mp3 | 16:14-15 Denouncing of Pharisees’ self-justification |
410_Luke_2-7-10_2.mp3 | 16:14-15 Denouncing of Pharisees’ self-justification |
411_Luke_2-14-10_1.mp3 | 16:16-17 Have respect for the Hebrew or OT Scriptures |
412_Luke_2-14-10_2.mp3 | 16:16-17 Have respect for the Hebrew or OT Scriptures |
413_Luke_2-21-10_1.mp3 | 16:18 Divorce and Remarriage |
414_Luke_2-21-10_2.mp3 | 16:18 Divorce and Remarriage |
415_Luke_2-28-10_1.mp3 | 16:18 Divorce and Remarriage |
416_Luke_2-28-10_2.mp3 | 16:18 Divorce and Remarriage |
417_Luke_3-7-10_1.mp3 | 16:18 Divorce and Remarriage |
418_Luke_3-7-10_2.mp3 | 16:18 Divorce and Remarriage |
419_Luke_3-14-10_1.mp3 | 16:18 Divorce and Remarriage |
420_Luke_3-14-10_2.mp3 | 16:18 Divorce and Remarriage |
421_Luke_3-21-10_1.mp3 | 16:18 Divorce and Remarriage |
422_Luke_3-21-10_2.mp3 | 16:18 Divorce and Remarriage |
423_Luke_3-28-10_1.mp3 | 16:18 Divorce and Remarriage |
424_Luke_3-28-10_2.mp3 | 16:18 Divorce and Remarriage |
425_Luke_4-4-10_1.mp3 | 16:19-31 Rich man & Lazarus – enjoy now, suffer later |
426_Luke_4-4-10_2.mp3 | 16:19-31 Rich man & Lazarus – enjoy now, suffer later |
427_Luke_4-11-10_1.mp3 | 16:19-31 Rich man & Lazarus – enjoy now, suffer later |
428_Luke_4-11-10_2.mp3 | 16:19-31 Rich man & Lazarus – enjoy now, suffer later |
429_Luke_4-18-10_1.mp3 | 16:19-31 Rich man & Lazarus – enjoy now, suffer later |
430_Luke_4-18-10_2.mp3 | 16:19-31 Rich man & Lazarus – enjoy now, suffer later |
431_Luke_4-25-10_1.mp3 | 17:1-2 Warning about stumbling blocks |
432_Luke_4-25-10_2.mp3 | 17:1-2 Warning about stumbling blocks |
433_Luke_5-16-10_1.mp3 | 17:3-4 Personal Forgiveness |
434_Luke_5-16-10_2.mp3 | 17:3-4 Personal Forgiveness |
435_Luke_5-23-10_1.mp3 | 17:3-4 Personal Forgiveness |
436_Luke_5-23-10_2.mp3 | 17:3-4 Personal Forgiveness |
437_Luke_5-30-10_1.mp3 | 17:5-6 Request with Respect to Faith |
438_Luke_5-30-10_2.mp3 | 17:5-6 Request with Respect to Faith |
439_Luke_6-6-10_1.mp3 | 17:7-10 Do not seek praise for obedience to the Lord |
440_Luke_6-6-10_2.mp3 | 17:7-10 Do not seek praise for obedience to the Lord |
441_Luke_6-13-10_1.mp3 | 17:11-19 Gratitude: Appropriate response to God’s mercy |
442_Luke_6-13-10_2.mp3 | 17:11-19 Gratitude: Appropriate response to God’s mercy |
443_Luke_6-20-10_1.mp3 | 17:20-21 The Coming of the Kingdom of God |
444_Luke_6-20-10_2.mp3 | 17:20-21 The Coming of the Kingdom of God |
445_Luke_6-27-10_1.mp3 | 17:22-37 The Coming of the Son of Man |
446_Luke_6-27-10_2.mp3 | 17:22-37 The Coming of the Son of Man |
447_Luke_7-4-10_1.mp3 | 17:22-37 The Coming of the Son of Man |
448_Luke_7-4-10_2.mp3 | 17:22-37 The Coming of the Son of Man |
449_Luke_8-15-10_1.mp3 | 18:1-8 Persistence in prayer – persistent widow |
450_Luke_8-15-10_2.mp3 | 18:1-8 Persistence in prayer – persistent widow |
451_Luke_8-22-10_1.mp3 | 18:1-8 Persistence in prayer – persistent widow |
452_Luke_8-22-10_2.mp3 | 18:1-8 Persistence in prayer – persistent widow |
453_Luke_8-29-10_1.mp3 | 18:9-14 Parable of the Pharisee & Tax collector |
454_Luke_8-29-10_2.mp3 | 18:9-14 Parable of the Pharisee & Tax collector |
455_Luke_9-5-10_1.mp3 | 18:15-17 Jesus and little children |
456_Luke_9-5-10_2.mp3 | 18:15-17 Jesus and little children |
457_Luke_9-12-10_1.mp3 | 18:18-30 Jesus’ answer of how to receive Eternal Life |
458_Luke_9-12-10_2.mp3 | 18:18-30 Jesus’ answer of how to receive Eternal Life |
459_Luke_9-19-10_1.mp3 | 18:18-30 Jesus’ answer of how to receive Eternal Life |
460_Luke_9-19-10_2.mp3 | 18:18-30 Jesus’ answer of how to receive Eternal Life |
461_Luke_9-26-10_1.mp3 | 18:31-34 Jesus predicts His death & resurrection |
462_Luke_9-26-10_2.mp3 | 18:31-34 Jesus predicts His death & resurrection |
463_Luke_10-3-10_1.mp3 | 18:35-43 Jesus heals a blind man near Jericho |
464_Luke_10-3-10_2.mp3 | 18:35-43 Jesus heals a blind man near Jericho |
465_Luke_10-10-10_1.mp3 | 19:1-10 Jesus brought salvation to Zaccheaus |
466_Luke_10-10-10_2.mp3 | 19:1-10 Jesus brought salvation to Zaccheaus |
467_Luke_10-17-10_1.mp3 | 19:11-27 Parable of a King and his subjects |
468_Luke_10-17-10_2.mp3 | 19:11-27 Parable of a King and his subjects |
469_Luke_10-24-10_1.mp3 | 19:28-35a Preparation for Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem |
470_Luke_10-24-10_2.mp3 | 19:28-35a Preparation for Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem |
471_Luke_10-31-10_1.mp3 | 19:35b-40 Jesus rides a colt |
472_Luke_10-31-10_2.mp3 | 19:35b-40 Jesus rides a colt |
473_Luke_11-7-10_1.mp3 | 19:41-44 Jesus’ laments over Jerusalem |
474_Luke_11-7-10_2.mp3 | 19:41-44 Jesus’ laments over Jerusalem |
475_Luke_11-14-10_1.mp3 | 19:45-48 Jesus in the Temple |
476_Luke_11-14-10_2.mp3 | 19:45-48 Jesus in the Temple |
477_Luke_11-21-10_1.mp3 | 20:1-8 Jesus’ authority questioned |
478_Luke_11-21-10_2.mp3 | 20:1-8 Jesus’ authority questioned |
479_Luke_11-28-10_1.mp3 | 20:1-8 Jesus’ authority questioned |
480_Luke_11-28-10_2.mp3 | 20:1-8 Jesus’ authority questioned |
481_Luke_12-5-10_1.mp3 | 20:9-18 Parable of the Vineyard Tenants |
482_Luke_12-5-10_2.mp3 | 20:9-18 Parable of the Vineyard Tenants |
483_Luke_12-12-10_1.mp3 | 20:9-18 Parable of the Vineyard Tenants |
484_Luke_12-12-10_2.mp3 | 20:9-18 Parable of the Vineyard Tenants |
485_Luke_12-19-10_1.MP3 | 20:19-26 Paying taxes to Caesar |
486_Luke_12-19-10_2.MP3 | 20:19-26 Paying taxes to Caesar |
487_Luke_12-26-10_1.MP3 | 20:27-40 Question about resurrection |
488_Luke_12-26-10_2.MP3 | 20:27-40 Question about resurrection |
489_Luke_1-2-11_1.MP3 | 20:41-44 Relationship of the Messiah to David |
490_Luke_1-2-11_2.MP3 | 20:41-44 Relationship of the Messiah to David |
491_Luke_1-9-11_1.MP3 | 20:45-47 Warning about experts in the law |
492_Luke_1-9-11_2.MP3 | 20:45-47 Warning about experts in the law |
493_Luke_1-16-11_1.MP3 | 21:1-4 Jesus commends a widow’s gift |
494_Luke_1-16-11_2.MP3 | 21:1-4 Jesus commends a widow’s gift |
495_Luke_1-23-11_1.MP3 | 21:5-9 Jesus predicted the destruction of the Temple |
496_Luke_1-23-11_2.MP3 | 21:5-9 Jesus predicted the destruction of the Temple |
497_Luke_1-30-11_1.MP3 | 21:10-19 Jesus predicted upheavals & difficulties of disciples |
498_Luke_1-30-11_2.MP3 | 21:10-19 Jesus predicted upheavals & difficulties of disciples |
499_Luke_2-6-11_1.MP3 | 21:10-19 Jesus predicted upheavals & difficulties of disciples |
500_Luke_2-6-11_2.MP3 | 21:10-19 Jesus predicted upheavals & difficulties of disciples |
501_Luke_2-13-11_1.MP3 | 21:20-24 Jesus predicts desolation of Jerusalem |
502_Luke_2-13-11_2.MP3 | 21:20-24 Jesus predicts desolation of Jerusalem |
503_Luke_2-20-11_1.MP3 | 21:20-24 Jesus predicts desolation of Jerusalem |
504_Luke_2-20-11_2.MP3 | 21:20-24 Jesus predicts desolation of Jerusalem |
505_Luke_2-27-11_1.MP3 | 21:25-28 Jesus speaks about His Second Coming |
506_Luke_2-27-11_2.MP3 | 21:25-28 Jesus speaks about His Second Coming |
507_Luke_3-6-11_1.MP3 | 21:25-28 Doctrine of the Second Coming |
508_Luke_3-6-11_2.MP3 | 21:25-28 Doctrine of the Second Coming |
509_Luke_3-13-11_1.MP3 | 21:25-28 Doctrine of the Second Coming |
510_Luke_3-13-11_2.MP3 | 21:25-28 Doctrine of the Second Coming |
511_Luke_3-20-11_1.MP3 | 21:25-28 Doctrine of the Second Coming |
512_Luke_3-20-11_2.MP3 | 21:25-28 Doctrine of the Second Coming |
513_Luke_3-27-11_1.MP3 | 21:25-28 Doctrine of the Second Coming |
514_Luke_3-27-11_2.MP3 | 21:25-28 Doctrine of the Second Coming |
515_Luke_4-3-11_1.MP3 | 21:25-28 Doctrine of the Second Coming |
516_Luke_4-3-11_2.MP3 | 21:25-28 Doctrine of the Second Coming |
517_Luke_4-10-11_1.MP3 | 21:29-33 Parable of the fig tree |
518_Luke_4-10-11_2.MP3 | 21:29-33 Parable of the fig tree |
519_Luke_5-1-11_1.MP3 | 21:34-38 Exhortation to spiritual vigilance |
520_Luke_5-1-11_2.MP3 | 21:34-38 Exhortation to spiritual vigilance |
521_Luke_5-8-11_1.MP3 | 22:1-6 Judas volunteered to betray Jesus |
522_Luke_5-8-11_2.MP3 | 22:1-6 Judas volunteered to betray Jesus |
523_Luke_5-15-11_1.MP3 | 22:7-13 Preparation for the Passover |
524_Luke_5-15-11_2.MP3 | 22:7-13 Preparation for the Passover |
525_Luke_5-22-11_1.MP3 | 22:14-18 Celebration of Passover, Easter, etc. |
526_Luke_5-22-11_2.MP3 | 22:14-18 Celebration of Passover, Easter, etc. |
527_Luke_5-29-11_1.MP3 | 22:14-18 Celebration of Passover, Easter, etc. |
528_Luke_5-29-11_2.MP3 | 22:19-23 Institution of the Lord’s Supper |
529_Luke_6-5-11_1.MP3 | 22:19-23 Institution of the Lord’s Supper |
530_Luke_6-5-11_2.MP3 | 22:19-23 Institution of the Lord’s Supper |
531_Luke_6-12-11_1.MP3 | 22:24-30 Who is the greatest? |
532_Luke_6-12-11_2.MP3 | 22:24-30 Who is the greatest? |
533_Luke_6-19-11_1.MP3 | 22:24-30 Who is the greatest? |
534_Luke_6-19-11_2.MP3 | 22:24-30 Who is the greatest? |
535_Luke_6-26-11_1.MP3 | 22:31-34 Jesus predicts Peter’s denial of Him |
536_Luke_6-26-11_2.MP3 | 22:31-34 Jesus predicts Peter’s denial of Him |
537_Luke_7-3-11_1.MP3 | 22:35-38 Jesus prepares His disciples for His arrest |
538_Luke_7-3-11_2.MP3 | 22:35-38 Jesus prepares His disciples for His arrest |
539_Luke_7-10-11_1.MP3 | 22:39-46 Jesus prayed while at the Mount Olives |
540_Luke_7-10-11_2.MP3 | 22:39-46 Jesus prayed while at the Mount Olives |
541_Luke_7-17-11_1.MP3 | 22:47-53 Jesus’ Arrest |
542_Luke_7-17-11_2.MP3 | 22:47-53 Jesus’ Arrest |
543_Luke_7-24-11_1.MP3 | 22:54-62 Peter denies Jesus |
544_Luke_7-24-11_2.MP3 | 22:54-62 Peter denies Jesus |
545_Luke_7-31-11_1.MP3 | 22:63-71 Jesus’ mockery, trial by Jewish rulers |
546_Luke_7-31-11_2.MP3 | 22:63-71 Jesus’ mockery, trial by Jewish rulers |
547_Luke_8-7-11_1.MP3 | 23:1-7 Jesus brought before Pilate |
548_Luke_8-7-11_2.MP3 | 23:1-7 Jesus brought before Pilate |
549_Luke_8-14-11_1.MP3 | 23:8-12 Jesus brought before Herod |
550_Luke_8-14-11_2.MP3 | 23:8-12 Jesus brought before Herod |
551_Luke_8-21-11_1.MP3 | 23:13-25 Jesus’ 2nd appearance before Pilate |
552_Luke_8-21-11_2.MP3 | 23:13-25 Jesus’ 2nd appearance before Pilate |
553_Luke_8-28-11_1.MP3 | 23:26-32 Jesus led away to be crucified |
554_Luke_8-28-11_2.MP3 | 23:26-32 Jesus led away to be crucified |
555_Luke_9-4-11_1.MP3 | 23:33-49 Crucifixion and Death of Jesus |
556_Luke_9-4-11_2.MP3 | 23:33-49 Crucifixion and Death of Jesus |
557_Luke_9-11-11_1.MP3 | 23:33-49 Crucifixion and Death of Jesus |
558_Luke_9-11-11_2.MP3 | 23:33-49 Crucifixion and Death of Jesus |
559_Luke_9-18-11_1.MP3 | 23:33-49 Crucifixion and Death of Jesus |
560_Luke_9-18-11_2.MP3 | 23:33-49 Crucifixion and Death of Jesus |
561_Luke_9-25-11_1.MP3 | 23:50-56 Burial of Jesus’ body |
562_Luke_9-25-11_2.MP3 | 23:50-56 Burial of Jesus’ body |
563_Luke_10-2-11_1.MP3 | 23:50-56 Burial of Jesus’ body |
564_Luke_10-2-11_2.MP3 | 23:50-56 Burial of Jesus’ body |
565_Luke_10-9-11_1.MP3 | 24:1-12 Announcement of Jesus’ resurrection |
566_Luke_10-9-11_2.MP3 | 24:1-12 Announcement of Jesus’ resurrection |
567_Luke_10-16-11_1.MP3 | 24:1-12 Announcement of Jesus’ resurrection |
568_Luke_10-16-11_2.MP3 | 24:1-12 Announcement of Jesus’ resurrection |
569_Luke_10-23-11_1.MP3 | 24:13-35 Jesus journeys on the road to Emmaus |
570_Luke_10-23-11_2.MP3 | 24:13-35 Jesus journeys on the road to Emmaus |
571_Luke_10-30-11_1.MP3 | 24:13-35 Jesus journeys on the road to Emmaus |
572_Luke_10-30-11_2.MP3 | 24:13-35 Jesus journeys on the road to Emmaus |
573_Luke_11-6-11_1.MP3 | 24:13-35 Jesus journeys on the road to Emmaus |
574_Luke_11-6-11_2.MP3 | 24:13-35 Jesus journeys on the road to Emmaus |
575_Luke_11-13-11_1.MP3 | 24:36-49 Jesus resurrection appearance to disciples |
576_Luke_11-13-11_2.MP3 | 24:36-49 Jesus resurrection appearance to disciples |
577_Luke_11-20-11_1.MP3 | 24:36-49 Jesus resurrection appearance to disciples |
578_Luke_11-20-11_2.MP3 | 24:36-49 Jesus resurrection appearance to disciples |
579_Luke_11-27-11_1.MP3 | 24:36-49 Jesus resurrection appearance to disciples |
580_Luke_11-27-11_2.MP3 | 24:36-49 Jesus resurrection appearance to disciples |
581_Luke_12-4-11_1.MP3 | 24:36-49 Jesus resurrection appearance to disciples |
582_Luke_12-4-11_2.MP3 | 24:36-49 Jesus resurrection appearance to disciples |
583_Luke_12-11-11_1.MP3 | 24:50-53 Jesus’ ascension into heaven |
584_Luke_12-11-11_2.MP3 | 24:50-53 Jesus’ ascension into heaven |
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