Berean International Ministries Annual Ministers Conference 2023 report
Berean International Ministries Annual Ministers Conference 2023
It came at a critical point in the nation of Nigeria that 2023 Berean International Ministries Conferences had to hold. From insecurity to a cashless policy that drove Nigerians crazy and crippled businesses, sent many to an early grave, left others ravaged with hunger for you buy your local money, the Nigeria naira from the Bank and POS operators. You were bound to get only an authorized amount and inflation ripped everything apart, only the political powers were left untouched until an introduction of change in the currency in circulation then they cried foul yet brought their way through bank workers. To a very great extent godliness was taxed to a limit. Giving us an idea of what the time of the coming Antichrist would be, where you cannot buy or sell except you have the mark of the beast on your forehead or the right hand. People lost confidence in one another and as if that is not enough, the Presidential Election came up. The Election umpire INEC took laws into their hands flouted the constitution of using BVAS to transmit election results and secretly at 4am while Nigerians slept announced a winner. More trouble brooded everywhere. Who would have believed that Professor Chinyere Onwubiko our International Pastor/ Teacher would brave it to take the bull by the horns and still come to Nigeria to feed us with the word of God, cleanse us by the same and bring us healing.
Indeed he came and on the 1st day of May, 2023 the Conference began at the Dr, Sam Mbakwe Hall at Termmus Hotel, Aba, Abia state Nigeria. He defied the usual sit-at-home order that had prevailed in the South East and by the next week being 8th May, the ban seemed to be lifted unconsciously and people began to travel inter-city and inter-state without any reported case of being halted anymore. It happened to me that at first I was disappointed by the driver who promised to leave Edda by 5 am to get to Aba by 8 am to beat the lock down yet by the Sovereign act of God some bus appeared from nowhere and I joined and made it to Aba to be in the Conference.
The test of faith was on every side for in his introduction he testified of weather contrariness by the meteorologist in the US and even on arrival in Nigeria. But through prayer of faith he broke through and landed in Lagos, Nigeria safely and came to Aba via Port Harcourt Airport to deliver the message from above. Indeed he is like an eagle who rides on the high wind instead of avoiding it. Over here the audience defied the sit-at-home order in Aba to grace the messenger from above as he came to teach us the highway of holiness.
In highlighting the subject of the conference he shared a testimony to buttress it that God showed his faithfulness over the weather trouble that came up in the US especially in the area of Mississippi where he lives. Tornadoes rode rough through the zone and especially on Wednesday in which the church held Bible studies. He told his church that he had prayed to the Lord to let it happen on Tuesday. The Lord did it. Next the American weather prediction stated that Tornadoes will hit again on another Wednesday. He prayed again but instead the Tornadoes still again on the Wednesday but stopped at 2 pm giving way for the Bible study. And why he sought to complain, the Holy Spirit whispered that it did not shift nor did it disturb your activity did it? He answered joyously to the Lord for that reminder for God keeping His word. This conviction received from the Lord lead to greater commitment in the Lord.
From the same encounter He got the message title for the 2023 Berean International Ministries Ministers in Aba thus CONVICTION THAT LEAD TO COMMITMENT. The text was based on Heb 6:9-12. The discovery of these four verses reveals the truth about CONVICTION THAT LEAD TO COMMITMENT. You should have the type of conviction in your spiritual life that will lead you to be committed to the faith until you depart from the life he taught us. Above all, there is certified benefit to it. It is the knowledge of the benefit ahead of a student in college that makes him study hard to make the best of grades to come out in flying colours to earn those benefits of good job, good pay. So does a business man who knows that a better life awaits him if he invests more money and time that he works hard to earn it. A man who knows there is better life awaiting him if he marries, works hard to get married. And does everything to have a successful marriage. If you recognize that there is a great benefit of blessings for living the spiritual life, you will get committed to living that life.
The human author of Hebrews had warned them against apostasy vehemently in Chapter 6:1-8 but here in chapter 6:9-11 his language shows a conviction that they are not in continual apostasy. He became confident because of the blessedness of their salvation and the character of God in justice. From experience and knowledge he gathered; he therefore instructed them using the language “we” as in conjunction with the Holy Spirit. He was sure of better things for them. Better fruitful spiritual life, better conditions than what was mentioned in chapter. 4:1-8. So they can enjoy the rest meant for the people of God stated in chapter 4 of Hebrews. His recipients had works and love and helps, he commanded them to be doing that to the very end. Then Prof. Chinyere taught us in the same way that as believers we should work hard to obtain what we hope for, just like those before us who through faith and patience inherited what has been promised. Through knowledge of the word of God we shall get assurances that kill uncertainty and laziness breeding continual commitment. That is they way of imitating those people of faith mentioned in Heb.11. Aba centre was thoroughly challenged by these messages so we can be sure that even in old age when things depreciate we shall abide in the Lord seeing that God is not unjust not to see our labour of love in His name to reward us both in time and eternity.
On Thursday 4th May, we all moved to Berean Fellowship Centre at Obigbo, Port Harcourt at the St. Marks Presbyterian church, No: 56 Afam Road. His message text was Eph 4:30 taken out from the context of Eph 4:25-32. His message to the Obigbo audience was in question form, ”What does it mean to grieve the Holy Spirit”. Of great importance is that we learn to focus on the Lord God as the one we should not offend. Since every sin we commit is a direct contravention of His demand. And King David was the first mortal to learn this as it is written in Psa. 51:3-4. We learn better not to deny the Holy Spirit as a person even as some apostates have done. He is the third member of the Godhead. Matt. 28:20. An in-depth revelation not thoroughly laid bare in the Old Testament.
He has all that it takes to be a person, intellect, sensibility and will. In this manner he is referred to in the Bible events connected to him. So He can be pleased or grieved depending on how we act towards Him. Ananias and Saphira lied to him and died. Paul was led by Him not to preach in some areas at a time. The apostle Peter was filled by the Holy Spirit as well as others. He is distinguished from his own power Luke 4:14. The Father has set Him as the seal of the believers security till the day of redemption and we are warned not to insult Him, make Him feel sorry, cause Him pain while He lives in us. It takes us to ignore the grace of God and live in a way contrary to the word of God to grieve the Holy Spirit. We learnt the danger of sinning against the Holy Spirit to grieve Him leads to the loss of His power He provides for a victorious Christian life resulting into mere religiosity.
On 5th May all roads led to Okoko-Item in Bende Local Government Area of Abia State. For text he chose Eph. 4:32 from the several context of Eph. 4:25-32. His teaching was titled, ‘CULTIVATE THREE ESSENTIAL VIRTUES OF INTERACTION WITH OTHERS’. God had planned for human beings to be having interaction so He created Adam and Eve so he could not be alone. After the fall, the method of interaction became difficult. Some avoided interaction to evade the difficulty thereof. For believers it is a different case. You must interact with others believers especially and with non believers. Once we gather in a group misunderstanding is bound to arise because of divergent personal views to life, and character differences. We can only have a good relationship by developing the virtues listed in our text. Kindness, compassion and forgiveness Eph. 4:32.
It all stands in contrast to the vices mentioned in the preceding verse 31. The differences in the content makes it important that we should not be bothered overmuch being requested to build these virtues gave rise to the word cultivate. To relationships causing difficulty use kindness and to the poor also. Contrary to our thinking rebuking a person who erred because you care for him is a show of kindness Psa. 141:5. Showing tender feelings for others especially with misfortune as to help them is indeed compassion. We must do everything to help those in need. Believers that are led by the Holy Spirit are in the best position to show compassion. Sin is the enemy of compassion such as hatred and anger. It was seen in the early church Acts 2:42-47. They were intimate to one another. God Himself is compassionate to all creation Deut. 33:19. Forgiveness itself is related to the two virtues. It is a result of kindness and compassion working together. If frees a person from punishment, cancels debts, delivers us from grudges.
On 6th May we the company of Prof. Chinyere moved with him to the Apostolic church, Etiti-Ama, Nkporo in Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia State. From the context of Eph. 4:25-32, he chose Eph. 4:28-29 for the particular text to teach there. Saying, “BELIEVERS ARE TO HAVE A LIFE OF PRECAUTION AVOID OFFENCE, NOT HARMING OTHERS”. (He that steals should steal no more). In this place he made one of the most outstanding statements in this years conference, “That regeneration does not mean an automatic end for the sinful behaviors. If so that sinful habits end automatically at rebirth, this command would be needless.” However, the gospel provides the power to deal with the old sin nature. In some cases God has chosen to end their sinful habits all due to the divine sovereignty according to his plan for such ones. God wants us to have an active involvement in the renewal of our life to manifest the new nature created in Christ Jesus. He has all the equipment available for us to faithfully see this possible.
Here in Nigeria, the teaching has been radically different among the portending true denominations. It was taught that the old sin nature all dies at rebirth. If you did not experience that, you were not born again. And so when such young converts fall into their former or new sins, they are dealt with legally with severe punishments that either harden then or drive some back into the world. Yet as it stands now, these great pretenders are not better than the ones they harshly deal with. Strong breeze blew and now we see that the Rev. Father wears trousers under his long gown. Bitterness, hatred, enmity, grudge, unforgiveness, deceit, calumny, hypocrisy, falsehood, lies, fornication, robbery, murder, all abound- worse than the Corinthian case as written by Paul. And they can no longer defend it but changed their theology to conditional salvation of making heaven by good works, baptismal regeneration and possible losing eternal life because of falling into sin. But Prof. Chinyere Onwubiko has countered all these lies and falsehood and pretensions with the absolute true doctrine in his teachings from the scriptures. It brought healing and relief and faith rest to us over here. I even testified it to his face.
So the command of Eph. 4:28-29 becomes clear to us all as we open up to the Lord to work with us in us to produce the godly character born in us at rebirth. Thank you Lord! No one pretended anymore but all began to confess their sins offering no excuses and to receive forgiveness, cleansing and refilling of the power of the Holy Spirit to live aright. And learn to help others and to labour with our own hands to enable us help others and not cheat on anyone anymore. The bruises, hurtings now gave way to peaceful co-existence in brotherly love of truth.
Next on Sunday 7th May was church service at the Berean International Centre in Ebiogwu Street, Federal Housing Estate Ogbor-Hill, Aba.
We had the Lord’s Supper after songs of praises and hymns before he stepped in to teach on ‘DESIRE FOR GREATNESS’. It is human to desire to be the greatest. Such has caused divisions in our churches. We are no better than the disciples in this matter. Jesus assertion about Peter’s testimony of Him seemed to set Peter as superior in the eyes of the others. His taking only three of twelve disciples to the mount of transfiguration added to buttress it. My question is, ‘What makes you think that you are more superior in spiritual matters? Superiority complex is a sin. See each other as equals in grace but different in responsibility. He used a child to teach them because children are dependent on parents totally. Open to instruction, has no identity besides their parents, as we have no identity of our own but Christ. Without whom we are nothing. He instead spoke about being great rather than greatness. It takes being a servant to be reckoned as great in the sight of God which runs in direct contradiction to the world. Serving those less than you is simply spirituality or greatness.
On Monday 8th May we went to Ebem Ohafia at the St. Peters Presbyterian church in Ohafia Local Government Area in Abia State. He dealt with the subjects of “FALSEHOOD AND TRUTH” based on Eph. 4:25. He taught on the need to be a Christian everywhere not just being humble and quiet in church but wild and dangerous outside the walls of the church. No hypocrisy as it is said; ‘each of you’ being members of one local church and the one body of Christ universally. The old sin nature was unplugged the day you got born again don’t plug it back. There is no justifiable reason whatsoever to lie to one another. Believers have been seen to lie for different reasons. Abraham for fear of his life. Ananias and Saphira for keeping back part of their land sale money. Borrowing money to do burial, marriage etc is lying or falsehood indeed. Achan lied after stealing a devoted thing. There are many dangers to lying. It’s a sign of hatred to those lied to. A true worshipper of God should keep the word of his mouth and not lie even to his own hurt. Psa 15:14. It is the nature of the Devil to lie and draws God’s wrath.
While Prof. Chinyere kept on analyzing the matter of falsehood, lying a minister of the Gospel in the audience retorted, ‘who then can be saved?’. I replied him. “thank God the message is sinking”. It is characteristic for believer to live by truthfulness. At Apostolic church, in Akpoha in Afikpo South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, on Tuesday 9th May, Prof. Chinyere Onwubiko delivered a teaching titled “BE CAREFUL WITH ANGER” based on Eph 4:26-27 text. The matter is centered on being careful not to sin just because you are wronged. Anger is a natural response for anything going wrong. He dealt a blow to Matt. 5:22 proving that, translators added the words ‘without cause’ giving justification for anger does not exist in most authentic manuscripts. For Jesus rather implied not mere physical speech but (hatred, anger) all linked to murder represented by the word “in danger of judgment”. For it is the punishment tied to murder. 1 John 3:15. Hence in Jesus teaching anger can qualify for God’s judgment. The seeming ambivalence in scripture concerning anger was cleared in His delivery. There is righteous anger even as it is God’s righteous response to wrong doing. Jesus was angry at His detractors. We know that God and Jesus do not sin. More so, a person can be filled with the Holy Spirit and be angry at the same time against evil. 1 Sam. 11:6; Judg. 14:19. There are … clearly shown in the usage of the word anger in scripture. The Apostle Paul cannot mean that anger is necessary to the life of the believer but that it is permissible depending on the condition he surmised. Therefore be angry but do not commit sin with your anger.
On Wednesday 10th May, we went to Emene-Enugu, Enugu State. This was the grand finale of the 2023 conference. His text was Eph 4:31. The most miserable people on earth are those whose hearts are filled with bitterness. They are incapable of enjoying their life and cannot enjoy relationships. They are often isolated because no one wants to associate with them. This v. 31 serves to explain what it means to grieve the Holy Spirit, and resultant sins for doing so and teach us what makes anger to become sinful and speech to become evil. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Get rid of all means that all the vices mentioned are of diverse kinds. What a thorough explanation he gave causing the believers to gape in disbelief and shock for the reality of it. The urgency, “get rid”. You cannot boast of being filled with the Holy Spirit and His control with just one resentment he said. Though the correct thing to say is, “filled of the Holy Spirit” not “filled with”. It was a happy ending like the father and his family being taught thoroughly especially on how to continue to live to the glory of God by knowing how to always be under the control of the Holy Spirit giving no place to the Devil.
We are bound to give glory to God once more for the coming of Prof. Chinyere Onwubiko to keep us awake and watching thereunto with all perseverance. Like Paul he spends and is being spent on us together with the church in Mississippi and all who are behind his comings in diverse measures of support. Prayers, moral, financial donations, other gifts. The centres received gifts in varying degrees as usual. The widows in all the centres received monetary helps. Bibles, his books reached all centres. Supporting photos document our evidences. The motherless babies were not left out. All the workers who laboured in one form or another capacity received money, apart from lodging them, feeding, transporting. It was a huge spending indeed. This is totally and continually new to the Nigeria church system. Berean has broken records constantly.
The Lord bless you all and we also send our condolences to the church and families that lost relations as he reported to us. And to Prof. Chinyere Onwubiko and his wife who came in person, more grace.
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Berean International Ministries Annual Ministers Conference 2023 report
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