In the opening teaching of the program on the first day in Aba, Prof. Chinyere introduced the subject as, ‘THE INTRICACIES OF THE OUT WORKING OF GOD’S PLAN.” He taught we often fall into situations in life where it seems that everything is going against us. One evil happens followed by another one. And they seem unconnected making us to conclude that,” everything is is against me ” So it happened to Jacob and Joseph his son. Most painful is when it happens after an encounter with God promising us good things. Jacob encountered God in Bethel. God blessed him under Laban and asked him to return home. He did only to loose his love Rachael and next Joseph his love child. He cried,’ all these things are against me.’  However it was for the good of Jacob that Joseph was sold to preserve Israel in the future and fulfill the promises God made to Abraham in Gen.15.
  Above all the fact that these evils happen haphazardly in an unconnected manner bewilders the mind. How can good come out of it? How can God allow all that? But God is sovereign and work behind the scenes His wonders to perform. His and cannot be thwarted even by human wickedness. So in fact, we generally do not know what the outcome of God’s plan as it unfolds in our life. Often it appears messy. We must not dwell in our past failures or the devil the accuser will use it to his advantage. Learn to forgive yourself since you confessed it to the Lord and He forgave you. Joseph received a revelation of his future. He believed and confessed it. Then his trouble began. They plotted to kill him, lied that he was dead and later sold him as a slave. In slavery he was tempted to sin, he rejected the offer only to be accused of what he never did. In such a strange land as a slave where nobody could speak for him. Into prison he went. Wasn’t sure if he’d ever come out alive but God was with him. It was all messy indeed. When it looked like a flipper of hope shown by his interpretation of dreams for the butler and the cup bearer, he was forgotten by the cup bearer. Not until the time of God came and same cup bearer mentioned him. And Pharaoh himself released him so it cannot be contested.
Joseph learnt that God is sovereign for we do not see record of revelations showing him the messy aspect of the our working of God’s plan for him. This is the common way believers walk with God by faith unlike Moses who was led by audible voice and thiophanes. This aided him not to bear grudges against his brethren. The messy part didn’t get him bitter because he knew that God was in control. Think of how painful betrayal by Potiphar’s wife was. Today will see his name in Newspaper headlines, CNN, BBC, Television, social media of all kinds. By the same he forgave his brethren and assured them of protection and provision not punishment. But if they didn’t sell him, if he didn’t go to prison, how would he appear before Pharaoh? If he didn’t know the cup bearer and interpret his dream how would they know of his gift? How would he become Premier of Egypt?  See how how God used unconnected events in our eyes though evil looking to shape events and fulfill His plans. So we put our hands our own mouth in contrition asking God for forgiveness for misunderstanding His dealing with us. He obtained not only State pardon but promotion.
  Another example to consider whose life bears same testimony of how the out working of God’s plan in unconnected ways is Moses. Strangely both Joseph and Moses had their experience in Egypt. They lived 390 years apart from each other. Moses was born and raised with dual citizenship. Adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter reared by his Jewish mother. He learned the wisdom of Egypt and had the faith of Abraham. For by faith his parents knew he was unique and his him. God saw to his adoption by leading them to put in on the waters of the Nile where Pharaoh’s daughter takes bath. At 40 years, he chose to suffer with his brethren than be the Prince of Egypt. He defended a fellow Jew to the point of murder costing him to flee for death penalty.
  The Egyptian citizenship offered him access to the throne and knowledge of Pharaoh’s movement. But God needed to train to be a priest for the calling ahead. His running to Midian was the only way to get the training to be a priest. For so he is called a priest alongside Aaron and Samuel in Psa.99:6. Despite the crime of murder how could he have gone to Midian deliberately? So he ran to Midian and fell into the hands of the High Priest of Midian.
  Our God is a God of wonders. In these two men we see that the out working of God’s plan can be messy  Joseph suffering for no sins of his is messy. So was Moses mission of delivering Israel. Pharaoh refused to let Israel go, doubled their labor causing Israel to turn against Moses. They. blamed him for their suffering and that he put a sword in the hands of Pharaoh to kill them. But God came to his rescue by an outstretched arm with signs and wonders and mighty deeds. In Joseph’s case God used him to preserve Israel in Egypt and to increase them. And through Moses to fulfill their deliverance as He promised Abraham 430We can see that nothing indeed was against any of them but for them. He is our God and is doing the same for us today. So no need to form activism or get political to solve social matters  Let’s be calm in faith and let Him do it for us.
    Personally I was heavily relieved by this messages. I came to this year’s conference with a heavy heart of ” why me, and everything is going against me. I lost my mother last year and while planning her burial slated for March 27, 2021, my Uncle died on 18/02/21 and my Elder Brother died next day 19/02/21. Within same period 3 more Uncle’s died. After burying my mother on 27/03/21 and my elder brother on 09/04/21 and the most senior Uncle on 01/05/21 three more are still in the mortuary. The message set me back aright in my faith in God. Questions answered, doubts killed and joy and peace follows  Praise be to the Lord my God. The people wanted it to be returned to 5 full days in Aba as before for they wanted more. The curfew in Aba did little to hinder massive number. Some asked me when Berean Ministries will establish local churches in Nigeria and Aba in particular. Furthermore, on Thursday 6/05/2021 Prof Chinyere put more physical smiles on peoples faces. Apart from  Wednesday  when many Bible’s and his books literature were distributed in bundles to people who attended the conference at ORAIFITE HALL,54 Azikiwe Road Aba.  The photos testify. At Grace Doctrine Church on 6/05/2021 the church widows were given money in envelopes and a motherless babies home was favored too. FAITH HOPE AND CHARITY ORPHANAGE situate at MGBAURUGBA,OVOM AMA ASAA, OBINGWA L.G.A, Abia state receive a great benevolence from Berean ministries through Prof Chinyere Onwubiko as the picture reveals.
   On 7/05/2021 we were at Okoko-Item a new chapter of Berean Ministries Fellowship for the first time. Prof Chinyere believed an exposition on “How To Be A Disciple of Jesus.” He revealed the dangerous trend set by some  modern prosperity preachers who mislead believers into thinking that walking with God through Christ is without risk or cost based on Luke 14:26-33 he proved otherwise. Jesus miracles drew a large multitude. They were showing diverse lifestyles that did not fit the Messiah’s follower.  He had to teach them on what it takes to be a true Disciple so they can prepare themselves to fit in.  For the natural outlook of this multitude did not differ from the society around them. Showing one can be a member of a local church without being truly saved. It becomes imperative for the pastor to teach the message of salvation and discipleship so clearly that none can mistake it for something else. The believers are strangers and travelers in this world. They should know the heavenly way of life and live it out. A disciple believe in his master. Receives instructions from him. Obey his master. Loves other disciples to prove to the world that they gave one master. Disciples do not prefer their parents, wife, husband, friends, government or themselves when any decision or interest collides with the will of God in  their life. This is the true meaning of hating parent or self to be a real disciple. God cannot sin and He is love. He cannot teach us to hate people. That it is written “Jacob have I loved, Esau have l hated”  He is  simply saying,” Jacob I  love, Esau I do not prefer.’ Prof. corrected the erroneous interpretation given this Scripture..
   There was both surprise and joy on the face of the ministers of the gospel in the audience and the members.  For the varying forms of Christian preachings and practices here were quietly reproved, rebuked and corrected . They left the hall jubilant, wishing for more. They asked us to make it a quarterly event for Prof. to be visiting. Benevolence was shown to widows. Photos witness alongside.
   To Arochukwu the next day. It is important to note that this is the cradles of government in lgbo land and the region called Biafra before the colonial Masters came to the present day Nigeria. They are know to be skeptical about everything especially new things being of high intelligent quotient generally. At the Winner Chapell Church Hall in Amannagwu we converged on Saturday May 8th.
    Prof. Chinyere took the center stage with a topic that looked familiar and easy to understand. But by the time he gave it the Divine touch the audience melted in shock and sat up gulping every sentence till the last word. Rhetorically ,he asked us all the  question, ” Who did  you think that Jesus is?” Emphasizing that inability to answer the question correctly surely means loss of eternal life. It is no longer “Who do men say I am,” as Jesus asked at first. But, “Who do you say that I am.
    He distinguished the Greek word translated ,’ the Christ of God,” and “the son of God,” from the mere child born of God. designating that the Greek implies God in fresh for that is what the language of that day says. That  even the Jewish audience that heard Him  understood it so. For when Jesus said he is the son of God, the accused  Him of blasphemy. They said,”  you being a man make yourself equal to God.”  That being so for they knew him not, he is the Word of God, even God the Son that created all things.  He is qualified to be a Mediator between God and man. He is both God and man in the incarnation. Any understanding less than this like Arius and Jehovah witness is  erroneous. He is the Son of the Living God according to Matthew.   The  Christ of God as in Luke. Here is your Savior, believe it and be saved for that is why John and the Epistles wrote of him. In the second session after break their number increased. They promised to tell others the New insight into the Son of God.
   On Sunday the  9th of May, 2021 the journey took us to Berean Ministries International Worship Centre in Ogbor Hill. After the Lord’s supper, Prof. Chinyere took to task on the subject “The Warning Against Idolatry” or “The Danger of Idolatry”. He delved  to show the mistake of some who teach that the miraculous display off God’s power seized after the New testament Canon was formed . The study revealed that in the book of Judges the withholding of God’s power from Israel was as a result of Israel falling into  idolatry. The  same holds true today . The syncretism that is found in  Christian religion is responsible for the very scanty demonstration of God’s power to us. That all through Church history there have been testimonies of where there was a revival and God’s power was demonstrated.
   Observing, he proved that there is a very strict warning in all the whole Bible against idolatry as found in exodus 20 : 22 -23 and 1 John 5:21.  It is the highest crime against God and it is intolerable for God is a jealous God. Thanks for The testimony stands out that that in the kingship of Israel and Judah, whenever they had a king who separated from idolatry they never were captivated by enemy nations.  The converse is the case for whenever they slipped in idolatry God sold them into captivity  Today idolatry wears diverse faces apart from physical image representation in our churches. Prestige and power is idolatrous.  Worshiping God with an image, and greed all these are idolatry . Flee for your life. The Church people wanted more hours of teaching for it was so brief . Why is it that nobody gets tired nor sleep while Prof. is teaching. They asked me to find additional hand to be sending it live on internet as the program goes. Widows were blessed with money in envelopes. They show great happiness.
  On Monday 10th May we went to Ohafia. Prof Chinyere came up with the subject of “PERSONAL FORGIVENESS” from Luke 17:3-4. He revealed that the translation shows there is a connection between forgiveness and stumbling block . First he taught us  that forgiveness is not forgetting the wrong done against one as to erase it from our memory. This is the worldly claim by The saying
‘ forgive and forget’ maxim.  Seeing that God is omniscience he can not forgive and forget. He is the author of forgiveness. Yes.   Some Christian error in the interpretation of Jeremiah 31 :31 -34 “their  sins and iniquities  I will not remember anymore” makes it sound like God forgets. No  It simply means that He will not bring it up after forgiving to use it against the person he pardoned” It should be  same with us . these factor are manifest in forgiveness
(1) not punishing the offender because the sin is not imputed (2)
Restoration of the offender two former state of relationship (3)providing comfort and encouragement to the offender.  This three things characterized Joseph’s forgiveness of his brethren as in Gen 50:7-21 .
   Some things however make it easier to forgive. It is not naturally easy to forgive but with the Holy Spirit it is possible. You must believe that God is in control of everything in the universe like Joseph. Gen 50:20. Being sovereign, He uses everything He allowed to bless us. What is also important is self-examination to be sure we are not being punished for our wrongs. God otherwise can use someone to cause us pain. Joseph is perfect example. If those evils did not happen , how could he became premier in Egypt? Look ahead before you react. Every event is used by God to bless you Roman 8:28
     Since God forgave you learn to forgive others too. After salvation the forgiveness from God is tied to your trying orders Ephesians 4:32. If we do not forgive God will send discipline through jailers as in the  parable. Still be sure that what you  call sin is really sin before God.  The text before us shows Jesus teaching on how to live a life of continual forgiveness . Failure to do so makes us a stumbling block two other believers. However personal forgiveness  is conditional. The offender must repent and ask for forgiveness. Go out all your ways to seek peace with one who offended you according to Matt 18:15-20 .
People were observed muttering for grace to live like this for it is hard to forgive same offender seven times a day how much more seventy times seven.
  By Tuesday all road led to Emene- Enugu, Enugu State capital. His massage in Emene was “REQUEST WITH RESPECT TO FAITH” based on Luke 17: 5-6 God is invisible. To please him requires faith. Faith faith makes one delight in God. In  dealing with Him it is not the amount of faith one has that is important. Rather that Faith be genuine and be exercised without doubt. Faith is an effect not an object. To start the exercise of faith involves 1. Taking God at his word. 2. It means accepting everything that God said or what is said regarding God as truth. 3. It involves total conviction that God can do the impossible. Abraham believed God for a child promised despite his age and the deadness of Sarah’s womb. Faith takes you above your circumstances. The correct teaching of Luke 17: 5 -6  “Grant us  faith is right request.” In using the mustard seeds to illustrate the kind of faith needed. He means to say doubt should be absent in our faith. Just as the mustard seed cannot be hybridized. He did not answer directly because he wanted to teach them that by Faith they can do the impossible. Not to  start commanding mountain literally or move mulberry tree. Great relief was seen on every face. And often unconsciously they speak up. They were excited to know that the Lord made their faith stronger by it. Widows were given help in money too
  Finally at lsuikwuato at Methodist Church Hall, Amaba, the this year’s teaching came to an end. It was seemingly the best. It was in a language even illiterates understood for Prof. Taught using English and Igbo. He often read from Igbo Bible too. He preached on ,” Reasons To Hold To Your Faith”  based on Heb. 4:14-16
  Confession  used here means allegiance. Since Jesus is the Christ the Jewish brethren were told to go to him away from Judaism it is more likely a book written by apostle John. It takes the Jew to confess Jesus as the Christ to be a Christian. Christ is a unique high priest he is  great. His priesthood is in heaven and internal. He is with God in heaven interceding for us. He lives forever. He is superior to the  Levitical priest. They are earthly priest and are stopped by death and imperfection  He present us perfect before God and secure us eternally. He sympathizes with our weakness. He is our helper.
   He has been tempted in all things we are being tempted and never sinned. He is the only one to help us. Let us hold on to him. Through Him we go to the throne of Grace not of judgement to obtain help in time of trouble. Everyone breathed relief  and was comforted that we have an unfailing priesthood in Christ Jesus our Lord.
   All the workers from Aba received benevolence, widows in lsuikwuato too as in all another places  Arochukwu, Item, Enugu, Ohafia all receive money in envelopes and me too. The Berean Ministries International liberality is spreading everywhere like wild fire.
 Pastor Peter Chima reporting.

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